This is not an auction but an ongoing sale offer. If you're interested in purchasing please PM Dadbod on Discord. I have multiple copies available. Price is firm at 1.1 mill as that was the auction price reached when I auctioned off the first set. I am willing to sell individual portions of this set, just PM me. The library consists of 102 runebooks in total. Below you will find a full list of every runebook, organized into categories, as well as images of each runebook so you know what you're buying. All runebooks should be unmarked with 9 charges. Gold is preferred. I will also accept 25k copper coins and 725k for a full set. Plat may also be accepted at 5.5k per if you reach out and I'm currently looking to acquire some. _____________________________________________ SCAV HUNT ScavHunt Britain ScavHunt Cove ScavHunt Jhelom ScavHunt Minoc ScavHunt Moonglow ScavHunt Magincia + Nujelm ScavHunt Occlo ScavHunt Serps + Bucs ScavHunt Skara Brae ScavHunt Trinsic ScavHunt Vesper ScavHunt Yew ScavHunt Chaos + Justice ScavHunt Humility ScavHunt Compassion ScavHunt Honor ScavHunt Sacrafice + Honesty ScavHunt Spirituality ScavHunt Valor + Islands _____________________________________________ RARES Rares One Rares Two Rares Three Rares Four Rares Five Rares Six _____________________________________________ MINING Bronze Copper Shadow Dull Copper Agapite Gold Verite Valorite Golems 1 Golems 2 _____________________________________________ MISC Events / Arenas / Roofs Shrines & Anhks Moongate & T2A Entrances Moongates - No Guards Faction Stones & Sigils Cloth Resources Player Run Vendors & Libraries T2A Entrances T2A Places of Interest Places of Interest 2 Dungeon Chests Dungeon Chests 2 Taming Quest Animals Ice & Fire Islands _____________________________________________ DUNGEONS N SPAWNS Dungeons Covetous Deceit Despise Destard Fire Dungeon Hythloth Ice Dungeon Shame Wrong Terathan Keep Orc Cave Graveyards & Outdoor Spawn Farming Spots Bosses Bosses 2 Champ Spawns World Spawns Swamps _____________________________________________ TOWNS Banks Barber Shops Blacksmiths Bowyers Butchers Carpenters Healers & Ankhs Jewlers Lumberjack Main Inns & Mage Shops Map Makers Provisoners Scribes Shipwrights Stables Tailors Tanner & Furtraders Taverns Tinkers Weaponsmiths/Armorers _____________________________________________ TMAP SET 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 81-96 97-112 113-128 129-144 145-160 161-176 177-192 193-200
^^ I am also selling individual portions of this library. Tmap sets or Scavenger Hunt sets for example. PM me.
Very interested, will have to wait till I can save up the 1 mil or buy in portions. But cannot find you on discord without the # and 4 numbers at the end of your name.
I'll message you on discord. What's your name? Also, I'm at the top of the player list on discord. "Dadbod" Literally the first supporter on there.