Hi I'd be up to discussing a sale as long as I can break even on what I stupidly spent on it. I don't remember if it was 2.5 or 5 mil, but someone good with forum searches can likely dig up the sale. Just hit me up on discord (also Aris).
I owned the one right behind it for awhile. I placed it when they let it go idoc. They even bumped that thread like 2 hours after I placed!
You named it "MiD something or other" so that it looked like we still owned it. That was absolutely hilarious. I think we spent a day or two trying to figure out whose character that was. LOL.
It was pretty priceless. "Why won't it refresh? I don't get it... whose character is that? I dunno, it says it's only slightly worn... what the heck...." Gotta be one of the funnier things I have seen when it comes to idoc. Well played sir. PS: I totally forgot, but now that I think about it, didn't Wolfbane then bid and buy it in our thread? LOL. Yep.
I sat hidden inside laughing each time y’all came with a new toon to check who owned it! He did bid but it was after I placed. Y’all bumped the sale couple hours after idoc lol. I had to message him telling him he can’t buy it