Patch 92 - October 24th 2020 - Halloween Updates, Spirit Speak & More

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Halloween 2020
    The Night of Horrors event is back! Click here for more details!
    - The City of the Dead Dungeon is Back! Click here for more details!

    Night of Horrors Event Updates
    - Implemented a system which will review the event arena before each round and reset the items contained in the supply chests to default. This will make sure each round is roughly the same and items left behind from previous rounds are deleted.
    - Removed most, if not all, of the containers inside the Night of Horrors event that do not store supply items. This is more a quality of life change for players so they don't get fooled by empty decorative containers.
    - 2020 Reward Store Updates
    - New Sitting Skeleton Item
    - New Colored Bone Furniture to match this years theme.
    - Continued rotation of Coffin Home Addons
    - Small, Medium and Large Cobweb decorative items
    Halloween Rewards 2020.jpg RewardExamples2020.jpg

    City of the Dead Updates
    - When a player exits the dungeon either via a time out or manual exit any aggressor/murder reporting notations are cleared.
    Note: This is the same process that happens when a player recalls, so it is reasonable it be in place in this situation.
    - The gates leading to the City of the Dead will now require that you have not traveled by gate or by recall in the last 45 seconds.
    Note: This will help balance attendance into the event as players are bringing small armies with them into gates who then idle in the entrance safe zones. The duration of the CotD gates is currently 45 seconds as well. So if you want to participate in the dungeon you need to be present when the gate appears to join in.
    - Players may only bring a maximum of 5 follower slots worth of pets with them into the dungeon.
    Note: I believe this is already active, but was not sure if it was in the patch notes or guide. ​

    New Items
    - Sitting Skeleton (Designed by Quick)
    A new home decor item that can be placed anywhere you like. When locked down it will play skeleton sounds and randomly entertain the player with puns about life as an immovable skeleton.
    Note: Players are welcome to submit skeleton based puns for future inclusion. ​

    Dye Tubs
    - Players can no longer dye items that are located in a house, while locked down.
    Note: This applies to clothing and other basic dyables and applies to everyone including the home owner, co-owners and friends of the home as well as visitors.
    - Players can no longer dye items that have a status listed as movable false.
    Note: This really will only apply in situations like event prize rooms where the staff places these items out for display.
    - Players can no longer dye items that have an anniversary hue (year 1 through 8)
    Note: This applies only to the specific use of a dye tub on an item with this hue. This change is applicable to the Anniversary Restore Deeds detailed below.​

    Anniversary Restore Deeds
    - This is a new item players will be able to purchase from the fix it vendor located in the event lobby.
    - If you have a correctly named anniversary item, but lacking its original color these deeds will restore, randomly, one of the two colors from that year to the item.
    - If you have a correctly colored item, but lacking the proper name the deed will apply the correct name to the item.
    Note: To better protect anniversary items, and discourage using these deeds to game the system you will no longer be able to dye anniversary items.
    - Added a new command to the fix it vendor "appraise" which will allow you to target an item you own to determine if one of these deeds will be able to help.
    AnnivRestoreDeed1.jpg AnnivRestoreDeed2.jpg
    Note: These items are prices by the year of the item you wish to repair with the prices listed below.
    1st Year Repair Deed - Items 450,000 Gold
    2nd Year Repair Deed - 400,000 Gold
    3rd Year Repair Deed - 350,000 Gold
    4th Year Repair Deed - 300,000 Gold
    5th Year Repair Deed - 250,000 Gold
    6th Year Repair Deed - 200,000 Gold
    7th Year Repair Deed - 150,000 Gold
    8th Year Repair Deed - 100,000 Gold

    Note: The price of these items will increase by 50,000 gold for each future anniversary.
    Note: There is no refund should you purchase the incorrect deed or a deed that you decide not to use. So choose carefully and use the appraise feature.
    - These items are being added to apply a fair solution to players who have over the years had their items lose the correct hue, or items that have been previously crafted that lack the proper name. As the staff cannot, and will not, alter the properties of items this allows for a fair system for all players that has the byproduct of removing gold from the economy. ​

    Detect Hidden
    - Found and resolved a problem in which a trapped chest outside your house would result in detect hidden acting like someone had been found inside your house notation wise.
    - Added a notation for when someone is found and revealed in a house, and when you find and reveal someone outside a house. The old method only reported if failed to find someone forcing players to judge the lack of a message as the result of a positive detection. As this is out of place compared to all other UO skill use/result messages we have brought it in line with them. ​

    Region Control
    - Implemented a system that will allow for players to be re-located on login to a designated location.
    Note: This will be used by the staff for events such as the night of horrors, and other situations where we need logged out players to be moved on login to a specific location. ​

    Spirit Speak
    - Spirit Speak has been converted into a targeted skill similar to detect hidden.
    - If you target yourself the skill will function as it always has. Allowing you to speak to nearby ghosts.
    - If you target a tile inside a house that you are at least friended to any ghosts currently in the house will be made visible to the skill user. Ghosts will be detected with 100% accuracy if in the house in question.
    - If you target a tile outside a house you will detect any ghosts within a range of 2 to 20 tiles. (Spirit Speak Skill / 5). Ghosts will be detected with 100% accuracy.
    - Ghosts will remain visible, only to the spirit speak user, until they do one of the following
    * Logout/Login
    * Leave a house region, and be 10 tiles away from the spirit speak user at that point.
    * Resurrect (To ensure that the spirit speak user cannot see the player as a future ghost, or when they hide while alive)
    * When they are banned from a house and are 10 tiles away from the spirit speak user.
    - Should a ghost be visible to a spirit speak user who has access to the house the ghost is in, the ghost can now be banned from the house. ​

    Spawning Camp System
    - Updated the camp system to be more modular and allow for more extensive camp designs using player/volunteer input.
    Note: Camps are spawning combinations of multi's, static items, monsters, npc's to rescure, etc.
    - Resolved some issues that was resulting in holiday camps decaying while players are actively engaged with the camp.
    Note: They can still decay if you lure the spawn away, but overall this should be improved.​

    Spellcasting / Status Effects over Range
    In years past we determined why NPC's were ignoring valid situations where guards could be called and took steps to resolve this. In making this change the townsfolk found new inspiration in doing their job of ratting out criminals to the guards. So situations that were 1 in a million became 1 in 10,000. One of these situations was the interaction of the poison tick and explosion delay when combat starts outside of town and the target of that combat moves into the town region. This was causing the guards to jump from the town region into regions not covered by town guards in order to extract provenance. And while this is correct in some situations, they should not travel half the world to try to kill someone.
    - The damage and criminal act will be negated if the caster and the target are more than 40 tiles apart once the explosion delay timer completes.
    Note: This should affect almost no one as this is only used on Buc's den to bait people into getting town killed or in extremely rare situations where someone makes it to down during a combat exchange triggering the guards on accident.
    - Poison ticks will be nullified if the poisoner and the poisoned are no longer within range of each other. This will apply only to players, and the pets controlled by players.
    While these changes are odd, after months of research and staff discussion they were determined to be most effective at solving the problem while not affecting the players in any way. It also avoids any need to change the guard mechanics as we feel those are generally correct.
    Note: In researching this problem we determined that almost every region in the world is based on a "guarded region" type. Explaining why guards will travel to locations they are not normally active in. Any attempt to adjust this behavior however would result in creating the exact opposite situation where now you can kill players and escape to these safe zones to avoid any punishment. This change avoids solving one problem by creating another. We will monitor this change and adjust as needed to avoid this fix affecting the players in a negative manner. ​

    Wild Tamers Event
    - Disabled the ability for hidden or dead players to use gates leading into the Wild Tamers event.​
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
    Pill, One, Earsnot and 5 others like this.
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Patch 92 Hotfixes

    Some small adjustments based on player reporting and a few new fixes

    - Fixed the issue causing explosion damage to be incorrectly terminated outside of situations that were intended. Thanks Notradman

    Detect Hidden
    - Fixed a problem where players skill in detect hidden was being used in situations in which the detection target was in a house. Detect hidden will correctly work at 100% success as expected when in a home. ​

    - Discordance will now properly alert the player when they target an innocent target may result in a criminal act.
    - Targeting an innocent creature with the discordance skill will now properly process any notoriety changes including criminal acts.​

    - Provocation will now properly alert the player when they target an innocent target that may result in a criminal act.
    - Targeting an innocent creature as part of a provocation act will now properly process any notoriety changes including criminal acts.​

    These changes are probably long overdue. Due to recent abuse of both aspects of these skills we have properly restored the felucca mechanics to Provocation and Discordance.

    Night of Horrors
    - Fixed a minor bug where players pets were sent into town, rather than the the lobby entrance as part of the new cleanup system. Pets will now correctly follow you to the lobby entrance. ​

    - Resolved a problem in which items placed via the camp system were not properly movable false.
    - This allowed players to move them while the camp was active however they were still deleted when the camp de-spawned. Thanks Silencesg
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
  3. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Hol up,

    We can now reveal - AND BAN - ghosts in our houses?
    Goblinchild likes this.
  4. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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    Has anything changed with fishing nets recently? I used to fish up an AMIB every 20 nets or so, but in the past two days, I've thrown 90 nets and gotten only 1.

    Or is RNG just out to get me?
  5. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
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    Jan 18, 2018
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  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  7. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Bless Removal Items, and Makers Mark removal items will be included in the next patch, both available for a small gold fee. These are obviously easy things for the staff to do if asked, but go against our rules of item modification. We are fine adding them it just has to done fairly for all players and keeping the staff's hands off.
    One and Blendax like this.
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Another player has reported some concerns with nets and how they spawn the special boat based camps. We are looking into this so you might save your nets for a bit.
    StarTrakZack and Blendax like this.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  10. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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    Probably to make it more accessible to newer players. Not everyone is rolling in plat
  11. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  12. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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  13. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Awesome job on the spirit speak / ghost change and guard roaming fixes! Glad to read that these types of changes are happening.
    Earsnot likes this.
  14. Animal Control

    Animal Control Well-Known Member
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    Feb 3, 2014
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    Welcome to UORenaissance, @Pill
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  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  16. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    We might add these for both, It is just quicker and easier to add them for gold as they can go on a normal vendor as a simple item. To use platinum requires addition to one of our custom vendors.
    One likes this.
  17. SativaGreen

    SativaGreen Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Is it safe to throw fishing nets yet?

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