Hello all and happy decorating! We're getting awfully close to the 2nd Anniversary and it would seem the competition for this year's deco contest is going to be quite fierce. Which is why I've decided to offer up for auction, a single charge from each of my furniture dye tubs, configured in hues that have been patched out. But wait? One charge? That just won't do for a real Trammie like you? Well then, here's the kicker....so hold your coinpurses....if bidding for any single charge exceeds 200k, I will allow the winning bidder for that hue/charge to purchase a second charge for the same price as their high bid. I have no intention of selling more than 2 charges from each of these tubs at this time. Auction Details: Minimum Bid Per Charge/Hue: 50,000gp Reserve Bid Price: 100,000gp (this only means that if bidding does NOT exceed 100k, I can choose whether to let the charge sell for less. If I'm in a good mood, it might.) Buy-Out Price: 500,000gp (yeah, it's high, and that's the point. If you want it that bad, pony up the coin and make it happen) Auction Closes 24 hours after the most recent high bid, for each hue. Without further blah blah, here is an image with examples that do the hues better justice than the website presently: YES, This is technically three different auctions. Please be clear which hue you are bidding on, when you place your bids. Thanks for checking and happy Tramming. Oh, the way this works, is the winning bidder will provide me with the pieces of furniture to be dyed and I will handle it. I will gladly craft any general piece of furniture desired, for free. Any stone crafted furniture, I will require ingots for up front.
I guess these are yours Alex. You didn't quite make the reserve, but how can I refuse a guildie his Trammel?!?!?! Hit me up tomorrow and let me know what you want dyed.
I think I have about a dozen left. There are 8 of these tubs on the shard. No idea how many are empty, but I imagine a couple are. http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/FurnitureDyeTub/FAB/1