Due to recent changes and more limitations on my actual ingame time, I'll be forwarding my absolute stunning mining real estate portfolio. I am not looking for a profit on these, but will list them as recentely priced and purchased. All houses come with absolutely perfectioned macro's (mainly thanks to Mops' insight) and a great setup as is. To avoid confusing and to answer some questions recieved on Discord: all nodes can be reached from either within the house, or on top of it via a runner. There is no need to go outside and kite elementals. 7 Nodes: SOLD! SB 2 Mil BI: 50K BO: 4 Mil 5 Nodes: SOLD! SB: 1 Mil BI: 50K BO: 2.5 Mil 4 Nodes: SOLD! SB: 250K BO: 300K Willing to sell this as a discount picking with a SB of 3 Milion.
The 7 Noded Marvel! Recently purchased from Landar for a mere 2 milion (~december 12th). An absolute great value for this money printer. Takes under 100 cycles to go beyond the break even point, taken gold drops, gems and ingots into account. SB: 2 Mil BI: 50K BO: 4 Mil
Five (nodes) is a charm! Highly sought after piece of real estate. I have owned this for a few months and have recieved countless of interesting offers on this piece for various reason. The main being a great layout with indoor nodes. 5 Spots to reach, of which 2 inside and 3 in a great location to funnel elementals inside with. SB: 1 MilBI: 50KBO: 2.5 Mil
SOLD! The All Sizes Matter! (4 Nodes)Just south of the 7 noder you will find this excellent set up with 4 nodes. All nodes are reachable from the runner on the west side. Current macro allows you to hit 2 nodes from the far north runner and 2 nodes from the far south runner. A highly productive and effective setup for optimal cycles - quick and clean. Recently purchased from Shamix for 300K. SB: 250K BO: 300K
As a person who actually participated in setting up mining for all the above listed houses - they are awesome and absolutely worth requested price levels. Great boost a dedicated miner!
Yep! I will also give you a your and the required macros for effective mining and easy security. Sold!
Great and smooth sale, thanks for pausing what you were doing for meeting up. Hope the macro´s help and the mining house is a fruitful addition to your current setup! +1 Trading rep!
Sharp. Thread closed, houses sold. Very smooth transition for all houses and players involved. Hope you truely enjoy this real estate! Don't hesitate to contact me with questions if they arise. Closed! X