Looking to add to your deco projects? Obsessed with owning all of the rares? I've got a couple you'll want to check out! There won't ever be more of these and who knows when they'll be up for auction again! A: Stacked shafts, 1/2 on server (http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/RareShaftsStacked/1BD6/1) SB: 2m BO: 4m BI: respectable (Hydrox winner!) B: Rabbit on a spit, 1/2 on server (http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/RareRabbitSpit/1E98/1) SB: 3m BO: 6m BI: respectable (Hydrox winner!) C: Horse Barding (back half), 1/3 active on server (http://www.uorenaissance.com/itemdetails/RareHorseBarding1/1379/1) SB: 4m BO: 8m BI: respectable (Erza winner!) Auction Terms: 48 hours if single bidder 24 hours if multiple bidder Accepting: Gold Plat @5k Christmas scrolls @200k (up to 50% of sale price) Sayer#8087 on Discord, if you need to get in touch! BIDS ONLY PLEASE!