SOLD to @Mutilate for 2M If you're a scroller runner and you have a fencer you may want this near perfect dark elf slayer spear. Can output 22 to 90 damage per hit... not including the small tactics boost... show those dark elves who is the boss with this amazing spear! This auction is for an "exceedingly accurate (+20) spear of vanquishing and dark elf slayer".... perfect for those blue and white scrolls. SB: 1M BI: 100k BO: NONE 48/24 Up to 50% of the final bid price can be a combination of the below items: Scrolls (red, blue and green only) @ 250k Holiday Coins @ 3.75k Plat @ 4k Don't miss out on this chance!
I was thinking about bidding to upgrade from a +15 power slayer... but not anymore lol. Great drop @Big_Daddy , keep em coming! There are more then enough buyers waiting
Im really sorry man. But I’ve been waiting on a dark elf spear for over a year. PM me on disc if you ever want to borrow it