Get your MF CTF on! If you're running an Axer without one of these, there ain't no chance you're getting the kill statue and you're letting your team down. Don't think of your self. Think of your teammates. SB: 899k BIDS ONLY
key word: "better" thanks for pointing that out to the future CTF king and champion that purchases this beauty at the cheapest price on the forums!
Thanks for the tag, I already have one and can confirm that it gets you the Best Killer Statue when you bring it to the CTF matches!
Bought the axe, greatly undercharged(fucker), i dont recommend talking to him, he is an arrogant miscreant, he sneaks in hail satans every other paragraph, but the axe was fully repaired, no permanent damage(cockwad), and even though hes my guildie, i hate his face SOO MUCH, even though i've never seen it.