Howdy. I won this fortress / keep on the reward vendor raffle. Entertaining offers via PM on Discord: Enarjay/Danny#1936 Or if you absolutely must have this property you can BO for 60 Million. For all offers: No less than 50% payment in GOLD Platinum valued at 5k Holiday Coin valued at 4k And again, all offers via PM Unless you're crazy enough to BO. Thanks.
Its a nice setup, no doubt...but 60 million seems just a slight bit high in this real estate market. If you were serious about selling, I'd be surprised if you got 15 mil.
You are not correct here. A fort/keep combo on grass is very desirable. My guild literally JUST sold 2 forts, for much much more than 15 mill each, and these were in the swamp. Keeps alone have been selling for between 10 and 15 million. As far as a valuation of 60 mill, ultimately its worth what people will pay. Maybe its high. Maybe somebody will pay it. Maybe that's the number that would drive the seller to sell, and for less he prefers to keep. Either way, you just gotta let the auction do what it does.
Oh we are....I'm just giving him a free bump and commenting on how absolutely horrid the housing market is right now, not to mention that most of the high rollers who have millions and millions and millions dont play much anymore.
You've used this sale thread twice now to 1) devalue the posters auction, extremely uncool and now 2) Whine about rich players who don't play at the level that you deem acceptable. Perhaps just not post next time. Good luck to the OP's sale. Definitely 100% worth 60 million given the finite amount of forts on the server. And the fact they're one tile apart means if/when house teleporters become a thing, they can be linked that way as well, added value right there.
Ok lol Im whining... I guess. Sorry for making observations and having a discussion on a discussion forum. Good luck with your sale. I hope my super harsh words didnt make someone who would have spent 60 million gold on your properties not spend 60 million gold on your properties.
It's okay, you just expressed your opinion and this is your right. Do not need to apologizes. As good as the community is, hold the knife handle in your pocket and be gentlemanly competent. The game has long ceased to be what it was in our childhood free bump