So I am genuinely considering selling this bad boy... Backstory, I've owned it for 3-4 years, give or take. I've left countless items sitting around the courtyard for countless days, months, and maybe even years. In all that time, I've never once saw anything grow legs and walk away. That's not to claim with any kind of certainty that it is secure, as I have no idea, tomorrow the purchaser may start getting harassed by some unknown thief. However, I will say, the only reason I've held onto it this long, is because of how safe it has felt to me. Anyway, the keep is far south of Deceit dungeon entrance, about 1 screen from water. Sadly, I haven't been logging in as much now a days, I now live with a friend, and it's becoming a hassle to keep standing... So... even though I will most likely regret this... SB 9 Milly. Auction would end 48 Hours from first bid... or 48 Hours from any further bids... or if I don't for see any other bidders I reserve the right to give say a 10 hour notice that the auction will end. Oh and if it does sell, I will hand over any and all runes I've ever marked.
Hi Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice for all. I appreciate it. My discord is Lichend #4940 should my bid be accepted.
Provided no more bids, I will message you at 5 or when I get home. 10 hours if I dkd the math right would be 4:43 pm eastern
Gratz to seller & winner. i didnt wanna high jack the tread so i waited till it finished. just FYI, the fort SE of this keep is also for sale, property #2
It's not quite finished yet. Around 2 hours. But you're more than welcome to post @Labeler. I haven't posted much because I don't want people thinking I'm bumping my thread on them
Auction ends 10 hours from 7:43 eastern time this morning. Provided no further bidding occurs, it will end 5:43pm eastern time Today. It is currently 4:16 eastern time right now. Posting to clear up any confusion. If another bid hits regular timerwas stated in auction will reset for the time being. I feel like I've complicated things and for that I am sorry.