Selling 3 houses on fabulous Fire Island. All being offered for basically deed price! 24/24 SOLD - Waterside Villa - Very low foot traffic, secluded spot. Ideal for setting up a presence on the server or an out of the way loot drop-house. SB: 140k SOLD - Bronze Node SST - Just off to the side of mining ridge and golem cave. Bronze node is directly under the house and can easily be mined for gold or aggy using gargoyle picks and prospector tools. SB: 90k (Golem trap included in cost!) Gold Node SST - Gold node reachable from inside the house. Easy gold/aggy/sandstone farming spot. Valorite node just outside. SB: 90k (Golem trap included in cost!)
I just want to thank you both for your high-class, well-rounded bid increments even though I neglected to put one. Top marks!
Bronze SST sold to Jacket Potato. Still one gold node mining tower up for grabs at just over deed price! Just waiting for a SB.