Get what you missed for your supreme Scribe corner: A rather new sparning rare. No informations found on it, if there are others on the shard, how the spawning chance is. I have no clue about the price, starting bid is my personal sale limit, maybe ridiculously high, maybe reasonable: SB: 1M 24/48h rules. No BO
Now that some of these items are coming into the game I will post a little information. Only 20 of each red 1654 items will come out this summer. The number of 1175 skulls will go up and down as they are found and used. You can always find information about item count on the website.
Thank you for the information! I searched the site yesterday and didn't find anything. Maybe wasn't updated then.
Awesome!! having only participated in holiday events since xmas, till now, this one is my favorite, even tho i made a ton of money from scrolls *bump on the Quill, nice pull
@Eskeleto please contact me within the next 24 hours, otherwise I would assume that you are no longer interested in the item and @Zyler would get the opportunity to buy for his high bid. I tried to contact you here via PM and on discord.
Im here homie.. sorry work is insane lately. Will be on disc this evening to take care of that. Dont worry Esk has never backed out of a bid or not paid for an auction
All good, thank you very much for the quick and uncomplicated deal in the end. RL sucks sometimes and sure pixels must wait then. Was just a bit strange to hear nothing and as I am not so long on the shard I do not know many ppl so well...