Killed in the Middle of Occllo Bank. How?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by mdhx97, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. mdhx97

    mdhx97 New Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Was doing some stealth macroing inside the Occlo Bank.

    Went AFK for a couple hours and came back to find myself dead with the prompt Do You Want to Report Fein Gulgazh as a Murderer?

    Before investing too much time playing here or making any donos, I would like to know how this player was able to kill me in the middle of town without going grey or red.

    a space mongbat likes this.
  2. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    It's likely they went grey multiple times trying to cast poison or use exp pots to end your life. Town killing can be very time consuming and usually only done in the event you have a many of goodies on your char. Benefit of bank sitting is being able to macro most skills out of the bank box.
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  4. mdhx97

    mdhx97 New Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Tried to take my revenge and was insta-guard-killed.

    So why did the NPCs call guards on me but not on my killer?

    I'm definitely missing something because the dude isn't perma-grey to me and I thought reporting murderers turns people red anyways... But dude is sitting there blue as the morning sky.... And I went grey attacking them and was guard killed....

    Wanted to edit and add that I am a n00b macroing Stealth and had nothing on my character of value
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  5. a space mongbat

    a space mongbat Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hello, you have very little information about the mechanics of not only this server, but uo in general. Try to get stronger and turn this situation around like a blanket, because Sosaria is still as cruel as in childhood. We have already grown and become softer. Give the server a chance and in half a year you will have all the answers written by your personal experience and unforgettable adventures in the excellent magical world of the best game in the world sir!

    As soon as I know your name, I will try to kill you too. I'm a vile and crazy mongbat, scum of Sosaria

  6. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Keep mooving bro.. uo is basically two groups of nerds.. one trying to make their own path, explore the world, make new things, get rares, wealthy... the other group is basically a crew that spend his time in the game making plans and doing all they can to fuck the others game.. we coexist together here... try to dont take them seriously.. trust me, you have much more fun in this game then this other nerds.
    StarTrakZack likes this.
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  8. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    3 players, 1 blue casting gate to chaos shrine on loop and then 2 greys to poison field you a few times. Guards will insta whack them but the poison fields will stay up and they won’t cure you or heal you.

    Turn on instant capture death screenshots in razor and next time(if) this happens(again) you’ll probably see a few corpses around you.
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  9. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    If you die while townkilling someone, you aren't doing it right :D

    There was an old uosa bug that used to work on UOR but I don't think it does anymore where you could attack people in front of npcs and only get guardwhacked if someone manually called the guards lol
    One and a space mongbat like this.
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  11. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    We did find that a player the other day was creating accounts, waiting out the time period to prevent abuse and then using a character to kill players in town. Deleting the character and repeating the task for the last month.

    We isolated 6 accounts being used for this and disabled the accounts and blocked the related IP addresses.

    That said you can be killed in town, but it requires some effort and you should be able to report the player for murder. However murder count questions do not persist if you lose connection. So you could go to sleep, die, get disconnected in the night and log in dead the next day.

    Should anyone find a player killing you in town without the ability to report them for murder that would be considered an exploit and we would look into it. While I am not a huge fan of town killing in our era it was a viable risk and something players should be aware of. However there should be clear consequences for killing anyone and someone who does this often would quickly no longer be allowed in town.

    So feel free to report anyone doing this, and we will ensure they are following the rules of the server.
    Hydrox likes this.
  12. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I remember him!! I think he casted/lured EVs into town and he wiped out half the population of Ocllo.
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  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Yea at this point I think we have fixed all the stuff like that. There was a bug a long time ago where if the NPC saw the first criminal act outside of town limits. They gave you a free pass for criminal behavior in town as long as you continue to be a criminal at least once every 15 seconds. So you could wipe a town with a single dragon lured in from outside of town.

    That was abused endlessly until we resolved it.
    PaddyOBrien, Hydrox and Earsnot like this.
  14. a space mongbat

    a space mongbat Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    I use murders in the city on a regular basis, usually this is supported by the Dexter M. code and my target was people who did evil in relation to other players. I liked my justice, but gradually more and more methods were closed by the staff. I liked koda bad and unkempt guys cried and did not understand how I did it.

    Now even the field of poison does not cause damage in the city, and everything else either instantly kills me or the guard pursues me even far from the city, very far. I understand that a reasonable person will not abuse these opportunities, but the world is full of losers who begin to abuse and because of them a lot has been corrected and turned into a magical world of Disney.

    Now there are only 2 methods left and they have a staggeringly high chance of failure. Due to the fact that the idiots were abusing, and the players were crying, I can understand the current situation. But jerks and men should remember that this is uo, and uo is about life!

    Herrings in a barrel and a candle on a stool, and that guy loved potatoes.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  15. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Field spells will drop their damage to zero if the caster of the field is dead I believe, so just a side effect of the guards doing their job.

    We actually did not change any methods used to kill someone in town. All we did was fix the guards so they operated properly. The bug was that if you passed your first act of aggression seen by a NPC. All future acts of aggression went unchecked. This is clearly a bug as you should not be able to kill 27 people in town while the guards happily wave at you.

    We did also address, a long time ago, the ability to release hostile pets into town. As that was another commonly used method to abuse the above bug.

    Minimal other changes were made. Outside of requiring the person who threw a purple potion to be within 50 tiles of the players taking damage from it. As a clever player figured out how to use a macro to quickly teleport potions into town from their home.

    Some restrictions were placed on new accounts to stop the classic abuse method of creating new accounts to kill players in town.

    So it is possible to kill someone in town, not easy, and should require your to face the same punishment as killing someone in the field. Our goal is never been to remove it. Just to address situations like above where a player dies, and has no clue how.
    a space mongbat likes this.
  16. mdhx97

    mdhx97 New Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Looks like Young wore off,

    And then

    Occllodrama :)
    PaddyOBrien and a space mongbat like this.
  17. a space mongbat

    a space mongbat Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    This is an interesting topic of discussion with both many followers and haters. There was no real drama uor for a long time, but those that were just great. They are like an active volcano, either erupting or flowing in a calm state. Of course, don't get me wrong. Hope you enjoy the golden era uo enjoy uor it's gold! :)
  18. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Maybe I'll have to come back and change that.
    Earsnot likes this.

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