2021 Renaissance House Decor Voting Thread - Massive House

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Ophira, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. Ophira

    Ophira Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    2021 Renaissance House Decor Voting Thread - Massive House

    · Players will be able to vote once each category for their top 3 entries.

    · For your vote to count you must have an established forum account.

    · Player votes will account for 50% of the score, with staff voting accounting for the other 50%.

    · Players voting will be accepted until November 15th included.

    · The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each category will be announced after staff review.


    Keza's Keep, same theme and look I have had for years. Green/poison lighting throughout with an always updating rares & statue collection.
    Top Floor - Statues and historical event corners.
    Middle Floor - Rares, rares, and more rares!
    Bottom Floor - Main storage, smithing, tailoring, pet training, and garden.


    My first time ever entering this! I didn't do this deco to enter but just liked doing it and it kinda just happened :) Please enjoy and vote for me!!!
    Welcome to my home!! First is the entry way, it's a bit dirty as I've recently done some farming and didn't clean up but what house would be incomplete without a mess!
    For the middle floor. I love the christmas theme and dedicated most of my middle floor to it!
    Going with seasonal room ideas is my halloween room!
    Favorite season for many players here is anniversary! Happy 9th everyone!!
    I love my anniversary chests!!! *if y'all have any for sale or trade, please hit me up!*
    When I'm gearing up for battle of all these elves or graveyards, I need a place to arm up!
    On one side is all weapon groups of vanquishing and other is for slayers, all invul armor in center
    I'll of course need to get my horse to charge off into battle so I need to keep them ready in the stables!
    Thankfully the pond keeps them out of the garden area


    Welcome to Windamere!
    The tour will start with the roof and make its way down. First off we have the farm where I grow my vegetables and exercise my ethys!
    Next we have the area where I like to relax after a hard day of working the farm and adventuring in Sosaria. I have also built a watering hole for the occasional traveler to this part of the land.
    Here is where my meals are prepared by my own personal chef.
    This is the room where meals are enjoyed by me and my guests.
    And I like to keep things neat and tidy, so I installed a wash room to keep up with all of the dishes!
    You're already getting a small peek of the front area of my keep, so we'll head there next! This is my relaxing water fountain and pond.
    Sometimes while sitting by my pond, I like to play an instrument and this is where I keep them all nicely sorted.
    Finishing off the top floor will be my hobby of candle making. Life can't be all dragons and death now can it?
    This is where I lay my head after a long day.
    And I put this room close by in case I have to get up in the middle of the night.
    I don't know anybody who doesn't like their loot! I may like it a little too much since I have an entire room dedicated to sorting mine!
    This is where I plan my champ battles. I managed to snag Barracoon's hat, but I have yet to get his flute away from him.
    When I'm out and about, it never hurts to have some potions on hand. This is where they are brewed. I also run a free clinic for poor Britannians; apparently I left one waiting a little too long...
    Thanks for stopping by! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do....
    P.S. I have some minions to do odd jobs around the keep.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]


    It's been an interesting project that just sort of started by accident. Back on OSI, the 1154 hue was my favorite. I always liked the ice blue look of it. By chance I ended up with a couple items in the same hue here on UOR, so I decided it would be fun to see how many I could collect. When I purchased this keep, it came with some furniture that was already dyed 1109, and I thought the contrast between the two colors just really made the 1154 blue stuff pop. A project was born. I thought, I wonder how much of this stuff I can collect? And can I decorate a house with it and make it look good? Well, you be the judge!
    We'll start with the first floor. Here is a shot of the whole thing:
    A quick overview, then we will look a little closer at some areas. The rune library was built primarily for the annual scav hunt. It's won twice, and come in second place once as well. There are really only two people that can effectively use this thing. Myself and Rain Man. The house is named "The Silent Cartographer". There are two reasons for this. Most obviously, I think it points to the rune library. Books don't make much noise, and they will take you all over the map. There is a second reason for it. I was always a fan of a certain first person shooter series, and it's from this series that the name was borrowed. Let's see if anybody knows the reference?
    Lets take a look at a few areas specifically, and I'll share a pretty crazy story about the acquisition of one of those items.
    At the front we've got a few clothing items crafted using the 1154 bod cloth. There is also a ranger armor of frost chest piece there, waiting for the rest to show up one day.
    Next we've got the study. Tucked away in the corner, it's a good place to sit down and read:
    There are a few unique items here (at least for now). There are two books in this house that are currently the only ones of their kind. One of them rests on this table:
    And the other is shown below. Now this one has a pretty crazy story. I was browsing the forum one day, and in a post completely unrelated, saw this book sitting on a table in a screenshot that another user had shared. The book was not the point of the screenshot, but of course it caught my attention. I reached out to the individual that posted the shot, and asked about purchasing that book. Well, it was part of a much larger book collection and wasn't for sale. The owner did, however, propose an alternate plan. A trade. He said that while he wouldn't sell the book, he'd trade it for one that looks the same but in hue 1151. Well, those are nearly just as rare, and I didn't own one. In fact there were only three on the server at the time (that's still true as of the writing of this post). I kept his offer in mind, but figured I'd never be able to provide that book, and so just sort of forgot about it. Well, it was a very short time (weeks or a couple months, I forget which) that had passed, and I was running around a random place in the woods tracking pesky Leprechauns. I happened to walk past a tamer staging pets outside of a villa. Also clearly a fellow Leprechaun hunter. I did what any true citizen of Sosaria would do, and hid just off screen to see if he'd let me stealth into his house. In boredom, while hidden on his doorstep, I double clicked the front door. It opened! Aha! The wait was over. Stealthing inside, I quickly realized that there wasn't a whole lot here of interest. Mainly just the kind of thing you'd expect from a hard working, mob farming UOR player. In the corner sat a lone Christmas gift box. Lets check that out shall we? Well, to my total surprise, sat in that gift box, an 1151 open book. Just the one I needed to trade. One of three on the server. Among a bunch of other random stuff, here it was. Needless to say that book came home with me, and was promptly traded for the one that now rests in the screenshot below:
    I'd like to also point out the polar bear rug in 1154. Something else that's not often seen. An amazing veteran player helped me to acquire that. Actually he helped with quite a few amazing items in this house. Come to think of it, many players here have been a part of this house. I'm very grateful to all of them.
    Ok! Lets head upstairs, with a look at the whole thing first:
    From here there isn't really a focal point, more or less just tried to decorate using only the two colors (1109, 1154) the best I could. There are a few items to help bring areas together throughout the house of course, and a keen eye will find one item in the hue of 2406. It blends well though, so we let it slide.
    A closer look at a few things:
    I'm proud of this one. "a mysterious key with a diamond bow". This key is hue 1154, and was a real pain in the butt to get my hands on. Allevia [TV], has been running a series of quests in order to find special hued keys. The magpie quests. This particular key was only able to be found by first locating the three keys required to triangulate the position of this one. Anybody that took part in that quest knows the insane challenge that was decoding the riddles that led to the key locations. I had help from another legendary UOR player on this, and I'm very thankful for that person. The books sitting with the key are the books that contained the riddles to ultimately acquire it.
    I also really like the front balcony, overlooking the entry and the great beyond. The standing armor on top of the marble columns took some tinkering. I should mention that the majority of the statues in the house were collected during a couple different Xmas events, along with the vast majority of the frozen herbs and onions. I bought some of those, and I also bought a few statues from some really awesome peeps that were willing to help. Thanks once again to all of you.
    Next we come to one of my favorite parts of the house. This was a fun way to use some of these items, and tie them into the hard work of a player here that has really gone above and beyond to create additional player driven content for the shard. The books are copies of Kezas Winter of 2018 Cerberus event.
    And here we have a pretty neat item that existed in winters past. Many of us have seen that yellow writing upon the death of an ice golem, and ended up with an 1151 chunk of ice in our packs. This one is actually 1154. There are a handful of them out there.
    This is another item that took a long time to acquire. In fact it was part of a group of items mentioned earlier that a veteran player helped me to get my hands on. I always thought this would be a cool way to use an 1154 keg, should it ever find itself in my care, and here it is!
    And finally, I thought it would be neat to showcase the table. Nothing too special really, just something I thought worked out well:
    To end this post, I'll share a final picture of the exterior. A keep has a lot of roof space, which can be difficult to fill. My brother actually came up with the idea of the chess board, and while it's technically a tile too short to be a real chess board, I felt that it was still the best way to use this space. Acquiring the statues for this, and all the chairs for the four corners was no small task, and again I thank all the peeps out there in the amazing UOR community that were willing to help with this. Here it is in all it's glory:
    Thank you for bearing with my long winded explanations. I hope you enjoyed the house, it's been a lot of fun over the last few years putting it all together. Perhaps you'll see it again in future years, as it's never really finished. I have some plans for some more really neat features. These are long term goals though, as the items needed seem to be either in use, or buried in an old dusty bank box, awaiting the return of a long absent adventurer. We are approaching a new Xmas store which will have some highly anticipated additions, and I'm sure over time even more brand new introductions to UOR will find their way into the house.
    I hope you all have an amazing holiday season as we move through Halloween, into Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.
    God bless and long live UOR!
    AOٌ and Dream Weaver like this.
  2. ktroj

    ktroj New Member

    Jul 2, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1st - Boomshakalaka
    2nd - NCCLM
    3rd - Keza
  3. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    1st - Boomshakalaka
    2nd - Shipwreck
    3rd - Keza
  4. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    1. Boomshakalaka
    2. NCCML
    3. Shipwreck
  5. Leeloo

    Leeloo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1st NCCML
    2nd Keza
    3rd Boomshakalaka
  6. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    1st Shipwreck
    2nd NCCML
    3rd Boomshakalaka
  7. Thrash

    Thrash Member

    Feb 3, 2021
    Likes Received:
    1st - NCCML
    2nd - Boomshakalaka
    3rd - Keza
  8. Delstrudo

    Delstrudo Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    1. NCCML
    2. BoomShakalaka
    3. Keza
  9. Virdan

    Virdan Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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  10. Quartz

    Quartz Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
    Likes Received:
    1) NCCML
    2) Boomshakalaka
    3) Keza
  11. Einar

    Einar Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1st - Boomshakalaka
    2nd - Shipwreck
    3rd - Keza
  12. Dream Weaver

    Dream Weaver Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1st NCCML
    2nd Keza
    3rd Boomshakalaka
  13. Drinian

    Drinian Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1. NCCML
    2. Keza
    3. Boomshakalaka
  14. Bikr

    Bikr Member

    Sep 26, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1. NCCML
    2. BoomShackalaka
    3. Keza
  15. Absaraka

    Absaraka Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 16, 2020
    Likes Received:
    1st - Boomshakalaka
    2nd - Shipwreck
    3rd - Keza
  16. mRTeKa

    mRTeKa New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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  17. Shipwreck

    Shipwreck Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    1 Boomshakalaka
    2 Keza
    3 Can't vote for myself
  18. Apaulling

    Apaulling Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    1. NCCML
    2. Boomshakalaka
    3. Keza
  19. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    3- KEza
  20. Jesus Is King

    Jesus Is King Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    1st - Boomshakala
    2nd - Shipwreck
    3rd - Keza

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