I am taking offers for my Fens cemetery keep and LT. This spot presents some unique themed halloween deco opportunity with the spawn-free graveyard filling up the backyard. Speaking of yards, you will not find many spots with a bigger front yard than this! The spot can fit a castle if the 2 smalls next door and keep to the front can be acquired. I can promise the courtyard is as secure as any, the previous owner told me he destroyed all runes when he sold to me, as I would for the next owner, and prior to that it was acquired through the plat lottery. In other words, you'll never see me or any of my toons, but no guarantees beyond that. I can guarantee that I have never had an unwanted visitor in the courtyard, spawn or player, in the time I have owned it. Properties will be sold bridged and empty. Serious inquiries only, feel free to pm me questions through discord, and happy bidding! SB: 12m BO: 15m Minimum BI: reasonable and rounded 48/48 hr rules This auction can be pulled anytime at my sole discretion.
Weekend bump, still up for grabs! Special offer: 100k rebate for the next person to visit my CY! Will it be the next homeowner or a sneaky CY thief?