Hail UOR! What better way to kick off a PvP Discussion forum, than a thread by the shard's most self-proclaimed terrible pvper?!?! I figured a healthy topic that shouldn't turn so easily to trash talk (please, think of the children), we could discuss our own weaknesses. Personally, one of my greatest challenges in UO PvP has been...you guessed it...staying alive! Ha, but to really boil it down, it's my health. I often die because I just forgot to hit mini-heal or get that bandage rolling again....or my personal worst..re-rolling a bandage because one hasn't finished yet and I spaz on the keys. I don't know how I'm going to get over it other than practice, but I have gotten a bit better in recent years. I'm still trying to incorporate purple potions and wands but I fight so rarely that it just hasn't become a reaction to anything when I do. Anyway, share and share alike, get on out there and fight.
Sealing the deal, I can redline people but just can't get that last shot in before a GH/MH/Bandage or Potion kicks in. I've tried Lightning wands and purple potions but my timing stinks so I've made it a point to practice, practice practice in regards to that aspect of the fight. Whiffing seems to be another issue but I don't know what can be done about that, it seems like either I'm hitting consistently in one fight or whiffing ALL the time in another. I also get a little too focused on the offensive before I realize my health is down too low and a MB or poison/E-Bolt face palms me into the dirt. So now that I've identified my weak spots I can address them in future fights.
Everything. I just finished to GM my heal/mage char and now I would like to practice, receive tips or whatever can help me to become a pvper. But unfortunetely I can't afford the reags for hours and hours of practice, it would be nice to have a unlimited ammount of reags at the duel pits.
If that is what you desire, ask for some 5x duels or 7x duels in irc main. Then just do them on test center.
Sending an enemy to the afterlife! A missed shot here, a low dmg roll there, slow rate of fire hold me back! I can only pray to the powers that be to guide my arrow straight and swift. I'm just glad I don't have to pay for repairs to the town riddled with bolt holes.
Targeting. I never ever want to have to point to someone, even to a health bar, to hit them with the heal or ebolt that I want to fire their way. Those CTF games are a nightmare for me from a targeting standpoint. Even with hotkeys for every single targeting function, like a dozen of them, it still wouldn't be enough.
Timing heals. When fighting certain TB members, it's very hard to cast a GH on a fellow targeted teammate during their dumps. Their either some of the best sync callers out there or ? When fighting SL I can usually can get one in when needed. Sometimes they get it timed and not much you can do with 8-15 of them casting with multiple poisons. SL has been fielding an impressive number of factioners lately. What's the best video recorder to run with UO? BandiCam? For those that use bars, tip - if your in a group party up with them then you'll be allowed 10 more bars on screen. In CTF ( I get all the bars I can but after they die you'll have to get it again) or in the field I use closest enemy target if I don't have their bars or there's 5-10 Lesclaypools. Field I crtl shift for bars or cycle next target if on the run.
Just an FYI there are only 11 LesClaypool chars on the server. 2 Of those are mine, 1 is a bard not even in factions and another is a friend's who doesn't play and isn't in factions. So the very most you could see at a single time is 8. And that is about all we are able to muster on our best night anymore. I have no idea where this 15 SL being on at once nonsense comes from unless you are admitting to not being able to count......
I'm not embellishing SL numbers. Notice I left a variable in my both my estimated numbers because it's difficult to count all of you other than looking at titles, clothing or mounts. Figures you'd go with the highest number. Perspective. I'm finding some of SL have a distorted view when it comes to how things go down (free ammo! - I'm sure you'll quote that line). Koncept is an antonym for reality so your name does fit. I just want to have fun factioning and not be dragged down with some peoples petty nit-picking BS. Great to see SL, CoM and TB have people on, on a regular basis. We have the ball rolling with factions lets keep it going!
I think one of the problems is that SL spent like six months getting hassled for being the largest faction. Now that they are not, they are still getting hassled for it. It's rather comical to say the least. It is cool to see more people out there Factioning. Even though people like Pill will get in IRC and complain that there's no PvP 30 minutes after big faction fights where his faction got beat with more numbers than the opposition on the field. Then to add insult to injury, he exploits a bug in the duel pit to kill and dry-loot someone who invited him out for friendly duels. So much for wanting/promoting PvP. Anyway, keep up the good game Artex. I like your candor and ability to let the shit roll off.
That's just it, you implied SL puts between 8 and 15 members on, when the reality is we haven't had eight on in months. It's 3-7. You're actually the one with the distorted view, but it would hurt your pride too much to accept that. If your lowball figure is more than we ever put on and your high one is twice it, is it fair for me to counter by saying you guys brought 15-30 to those fights?
Greatest challenge in PVP: was timing heals, now seems to be delusional SL factioners (meant in jest, it's all good) I didn't know this was such a sensative subject for SL. I made one comment (that I wrote in a positive manner) and now it's devolved into this... I posted my opinion right or wrong in your eyes doesn't matter much to me. My attitude is to try and be positive but I see a few of you want to tear into someone any chance they can get. I spoke of one night and both of you take it as though I was speaking about every night. Blast away all you two want. I never intended to ruin this thread with one sentence "8-15" so sorry to OP about that.
You know, there was a time when I wouldn't bother calling whiny losers out on the totally untrue things they claim. I'm aware that you need to believe those things you say to justify your own actions or losses, and I'm mostly fine just letting you say it. I play to enjoy the competition with my friends, and then I log off and don't think about it. But it occurred to me over time that if enough guys like you make wildly untrue claims people will believe them. Last night I watched you guys at that IDOC asking dalavar how many SL dicks he sucks just because we did not attack him. We only attacked enemy factioners and you guys were butthurt. Now you'll target him as if he is part of our faction and it will be your justification for hating him. There are a ton of people like Blaise or A^T members and others that have been targetted simply because delusional pvp losers like you can't be honest with yourselves about why you lost a battle and bitterly make excuses for everything. When you guys were still in PwN and O^S farming platinum every day in giant groups you wailed constantly about us being griefers. Yet we had the power at any time to completely shut down your champ spawns - instead we agreed to stay out of them so that those guilds could grow. It wasn't until members of those guilds stole from or otherwise broke those truces with us that we ever came into your spawns after those people. And you guys wailed daily about how we were griefers - and people believed it. And what have our reds always done? Not loot, give resses, save pets, not kill the same person twice, try not to disrupt player events, not attack anyone in the RP community (exception being made for faction enemies). For that matter we take a backseat when other groups (like yours and Minax) are playing reds daily and we hunt reds instead. It's probably pretty demoralizing for there to be constant groups of reds and noone to turn to. We're also the only group that can say historically will not play with players that scam or use third party programs. Because this is the only server we play and it's growth and community is important to us. For that matter we readily give respect to skilled players in enemy groups, while not touting the guys in our group like Pikka who go unknown but roll with 72 legit earned faction points risking 7 per death and gaining 1 per kill without running his mouth. But because of the loud voices of sore losers like you, people will remember us as gankers or griefers or whatever. So forgive me, if I roll my eyes at every post you make when you mention us, as if they do not have very thinly veiled and greatly exaggerated jabs at us.