HI everyone After seeing what YZ250 and Johnm have done with the raffle system, I was wondering if crafters might be interested in a raffle. After a bod filling hiatus during the holidays , I caught up on filling bod's. What I have available for this auction are: 3- 10 Exceptional 4 piece cloth bod's 3 - 15 Exceptional 4 piece cloth bod's 2- 10 Exceptional 5 piece cloth bod's 2 - 15 Exceptional 5 piece cloth bod's All the bod's are completed, and ready to turn in. All of them offer a 50/50 chance to get a CBD, not to mention: 10/15 Ex 4 piece give roughly 4k gp each-=~24k gp 10/15 Ex 5 piece give roughly 6k gp each=~24k gp Additional 10 Bod's available from tailor after turning them in. My current success rate for turning in these types of deeds has been running between 40-70% Things to consider: Time spent collecting all the bod's Time/materials used to fill all the bod's Possibility of receiving Multiple CBD's for the price of one I can hear non- crafters thinking they are out of luck trying to turn these in ( need 71-2 tailoring on a toon). I have an option available for those people. If you don't have a tailor; or a friend who has one, I will be available to meet at your time and tailor shop of your convenience. You can snoop my pack if you would like to watch as the bods are turned in. I will start with an empty backpack. All proceeds from turning them in will go right to the winner, including additional bod's received. Or, feel free to gate me somewhere, kill me and dry loot . I have no reason to try and rip you off , and will enjoy others getting as many CBD's as they deserve. Nitty Gritty: Raffle is open to 10 spots Each spot is 100k ( price of 1 CBD )- Gold only , unless multiple spots are purchased, then accepting xmas scrolls at 250k- if you purchase 2 spots with a scroll, 50k will be returned to you upon payment Raffle will run until Feb 28- if all spots are not bought, all monies will be returned. Pickerwheel.com will be used to determine the winner. Entries on the wheel will be made in sequence. Spin will be streamed on Discord at a time that is convenient to most of the buyers. 1. 2. 3. 4. jgodd13 paid check 5. 6. 7. Hyde paid check 8. Hyde paid check 9. 10. Thanks again to YZ250 and Johnm for starting the raffle idea, and for using their system TiredOldeMan 4044 on discord