Do to a horrible tragedy on the rough seas of Sosaria.. I lost a beloved friend and partner of mines who had been with me for over 4 years on this shard.. My dear dragon Apollo..Dont want to explain can only say it was a freak accident and he is gone forever R.I.P Apollo..His best friend and life partner Rocky hasnt been the same since the incident and i cant think of anyway to stop the hurting..As Tamers when our Drags hurt...we hurt.. Im looking for a new friend and life partner for Rocky but Apollo was no joke..he was a "Million Dollar Drag" and will be hard to replace. Im looking for 825 825 100 465 minimum...Not willing to settle for something less yes i have millions to spend. Nothing can replace Apollo but Rocky needs a life partner and i need a patch for this hole over my heart.. Thank You for your time - Skelly n Rocky