For Sale: A) "Green" Hanging Rare Fishing Net --- SB 750k BO 1m REDUCED PRICE 700K BO (Last few sold for 800k-1.2m - Look it up!) SOLD Private BO B) Full 9th Anni Orange/Red (Hue 1984) Outfit - Skullcap, Cloak, Plain Dress, Half Apron, Doublet, and Boots (1 of only 5 in Existence!) - ALL Anni Marked & Blessed - Mostly Forted --- SB 2.5m BO 3.5m* SOLD @Delstrudo C) 8th Red (Hue 2753) Lantern - 1 of 11 in Existence - Blessed --- SB 3.5m BO 4m SOLD Private BO D) 7th Pink (Hue 1378) Tunic - Blessed/Exceptional/Forted --- SB 400k BO 500k SOLD E) 7th Pink (Hue 1378) Doublet - Blessed/Anni Marked/Forted --- SB 400k BO 500k SOLD F) 9th Orange (Hue 1984) Half Apron - Un-Blessed/Anni Marked --- SB 400k BO 500k SOLD G) 5 Charge Carpet Dye Tub --- 25k SOLD E) Agapite (Hue 2425) Heavy Crossbow - Exceptional (+4 Damage), Exceedingly Accurate (+20 Archery), Indestructible (+100 Durability), Power (+7 Damage) - Hardest Hitting Archery Wep in the Game!!! --- 100k F) Exceptional Agapite Double Axe & Katana --- 25k/ea G) Hue 862 Headless Horselessman's Severed Head (Halloween Deco) -- 30k - 48/24 Auction Timers - Reasonable Bid Increases Please - GOLD Preferred - Accepting Plat @4.75k and HC @3.75k up to 1/2 Total Value - DM me here or on Discord (StarTrakZack) for questions or trade offers - Smile and have a GREAT day
BUMP - Price reduced in a major way!! Buy my big net!! Give me Gold or HC or Plat idc just buyyy itttt!!!