A few remaining pieces for sale: Anniversary items: Clothing (not blessed): A - 5th Pink bandana (hue 1376) SB 150K, BO 300K CLOSED B - 6th Blue body sash (hue 1282) SB 200K, BO 400K CLOSED C - 9th Blue kilt (hue 2826) SB 150K, BO 350K CLOSED D - 9th Blue long pants (hue 2826) SB 150K, BO 350K CLOSED E - 9th Orange robe (hue 1984) SB 400K, BO 800K CLOSED Jewelry: F - 5th Blue bracelet (hue 1195) SB 50K, BO 100K BO yz250f G - 6th Blue earrings (hue 1282) SB 50K, BO 100K H - 8th Red bracelet (hue 2753) BO 50K CLOSED I - 9th Orange ring (hue 1984) BO 40K CLOSED J - 9th Orange ring (hue 1984) BO 40K CLOSED K - 9th Orange bracelet (hue 1984) BO 40K CLOSED Other: L - 9th Orange mug (hue 1984) SB 200K, BO 400K AlexCCCP 300k M - 4th Red mug (hue 1172) SB 400K, BO 800K CLOSED Patriotic items: N: Bag of patriotic clothing (not blesses) SB 50K, BO 200K Maximus 50k 24/24 rules Gold only Edit: Changed the rules to 24/24 All gold from this auction will be donated to player events. Happy bidding! Edit: fixed an error in the alphanumeric order
Good luck on the sale! If things dont move, these things could go to a fishing tourney as donations as it for fishing feats/etc!
Good advice. I will let it run for a day or two. Items with no bids may be taken out and donated/used in other ways
Congrats @Maximus on winning N and @AlexCCCP on winning L PM me here, or in discord (Thorulf#0190) to arrange the transfers
Due to the lack of interest I will close the auctions on the remaining items. They will instead be donated as suggested by Codus. Thank you all who have bid. Only running auction is G by Quartz.