Only MURDERERs need Apply

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by LanDarr, Oct 15, 2022.

  1. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Tell me a tale, make me an offer....

    Why do you need this house and what would you do/give to get it.


    RULES -

    Two paragraphs minimum addressing my 2 questions - Whats your story, why do you kill, Who will you kill (and bring me their head) to own this? ALL IN GAME OFCOURSE !
    MUST be Red - not used to be or will be.
    Must live in and use this house, No Flipping - Enforcement is my friend Karma
    Bonus if you are on the bounty board (screenshot)
    Negative - if you are a vet.
    Bonus - if you RP some aspect of your murders

    Letting this run a week or so to see then BOOM its gone to the best story/offer
  2. Serotonin

    Serotonin Active Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    Mother Nature: Rebirth

    **video coming soon **

    Renaissance, (French) from re- ‘back, again’ + naissance ‘birth’ (from Latin nascentia, from nasci ‘be born’).

    Days passed…then weeks…years..I had lost track of time. The moons of Felucca had been eternally eclipsed by those of Trammel - A world I had heard of, but never seen. Soon after, everyone disappeared.

    I wandered Sosaria alone, searching for another living soul.. anyone. My blood lust rising, I needed to take a life. But there was no one.
    Day in and day out, I searched the dungeons. I wandered the paths. I became reckless. I was all alone in Britannia. Was this my eternal hell?

    I must consider my sins…
    I truly must consider my sins.

    This must have been my punishment, to wander alone, forever in this strange, neon-hued, laggy, solitary hell.
    Baja was like my personal private shard, forever. Stuck.

    I began to reflect on my past..If only I could see another living being in this world, I would be happy to just make conversation. Maybe I could turn over a new leaf, and no longer kill on sight. I asked the Gods for forgiveness, to wake me from this lonely nightmare. But each day I awoke to pass the days alone.

    I went into towns, begged the guards to kill me, but even they had become soft.
    They just cried for help, and ignored my pleas.

    Then, one day, as if by magic, I awoke in Moonglow and saw what I could not believe; a player rode by, and then another! Was I dreaming?
    Player houses were everywhere, and it appeared that the moons of Trammel had disappeared from the skies. I felt clean. My sins washed away. Towns were bustling with life, and there were Young players everywhere! It was like a rebirth. A new beginning. A Renaissance…

    Was I dreaming? It was as if I had traveled decades into the past, rewound the clocks to a time I had long since forgotten. I reveled in the sight of others. I made conversations, enjoyed the little things as if I were a noob again... killing mongbats,.. picking up reagents from the ground… It was as if I had awoken in paradise.

    For days, I was filled with peace and joy.
    But then, as if they had been sleeping inside of me..the urges awoke from within…
    The old feelings that I could not shake…the lust..for blood.

    The feeling of my spear piercing through another’s armor, hearing their final screams… I needed the thrill. I craved it.

    I took my first innocent life in Ocllo, then another in Ice…then more.
    With each murder count, I felt my power growing, and the lust along with it. I can’t stop.
    I am again exiled, after only two full moon cycles in this new world, living on the fringes, needing a home. I find myself wandering the dungeons, and the streets of Bucc’s, destined to be an outcast.

    This time, though, I will do it differently. I’ve come to realize that the sins of my past were not in the taking of innocent lives, but the griefing and ganking that came with it. Here, in this new world, this rebirth, this Renaissance, I will kill by a code.

    A house in Bucc’s would provide for me a permanent home in this shard, where I could satiate my hunger and be a helpful member of society between kills. I will only loot when deserved, and will always provide a helpful hand to friends and victims alike.

    I will trade 50 player heads for this home and will bring any head within my power to my benefactor upon request, in perpetuity.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
  3. Ultima Warrior

    Ultima Warrior New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    Well. That's a hard act to follow.

    Read it slowly for full effect. Each paragraph is a story.

    An ode to PK:

    I awaken in a new realm…
    Where no-one knows my name
    I slowly build my empire… waiting…
    This land will never be the same

    My bloodlust is now rising…
    Murder?... You ask me who?
    I shall take the head of the one…
    The one they call Leeloo...

    I raise my spear in defiance…
    I rear back and start a’ hurlin’...
    My target you ask… you wonder?
    It’s the one... who’s known as Merlin

    Victory, I feel, is near now…
    My anger I cannot contain
    My next victim is well known, you see...
    As the do-gooder Pax Romain

    The balance will shift slowly...
    As you all becomes believers..
    The one who first cut me down shall pay..
    I’m coming for you Siva...

    I heard a name around the traps
    Of one who is not so nice.......
    I’m aiming for you now, my friend
    You’ll see me, Pork Fried Rice

    A self-professed murderer...
    Perhaps you may have lied
    Your heart upon my spear shall rest
    As I take down Genocide...

    A word for those who read this
    My wrath you shall soon feel...
    Your blood will soon fill the streets
    As I take your head Jill Stihl

    You run around these lands
    Your death it shall be slow
    Surprise attacks shall not pass
    I'll find you soon, Bowho

    I heard a name of great renown
    Of someone named Ragnar
    My spear you will not see
    As I throw it from afar

    A hero that hoards wild beasts
    Someone that they call Zoo
    You'll feel my steel, it is no doubt
    As I cut right through you

    A challenger comes forth
    Referred to as Serotonin
    I will take your head quite soon
    And for your sins you'll be atonin'

    I will hide within the shadows
    And soon I shall reveal
    My name to you, oh old time ones
    As you lay upon my steel

    My skills, they may lay dormant
    But eventually they will return
    Your ashes I will keep.........
    On my mantle, in an urn

    Look out UO Renaissance,
    It might still be a'while
    I'll take a bunch of heads for you, Peace,
    My skills will make you smile

    **mic drop**
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  4. fefe

    fefe Active Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    "You think you know... but you have no idea." This is the diary of fefe.

    Originally I played on Sonoma and later on Siege Perilous back on OSI with a group of friends, I was around 13 years old at the time. After we got "established" (in our opinion having 100k in the bank and over 90 Magery meant it was go time and we were ready for some pvp!). Most of our time was spent at the brit x roads (near hedge maze not the swamps) and, of course, Bucs' den. I met many people in my time playing on Sonoma, even Pix and Stormwynd were around! So why did I PK? Well, to put it simply, not everyone wanted to PvP all the time, or at all, but I did... I remember the very first duel I witnessed between two mages. I had never seen anything like it. I had no idea what I was witnessing. Why are they using mini heal? Why are they holding spells so long? Why are they not casting FLAMESTRIKE?! I had so many questions. After getting my newbie questions answered and the basics of how duels worked, I was hooked. Nobody around to duel? Time to go PK! Keep in mind during this time PKing came with some pretty dire consequences if you met your match. While the murder system here is how I remember it to be on OSI, we did not have three accounts, we could not AFK macro off the murder counts. So, if our reds died with enough short terms we either had to wait a long, long time to get our characters back to playable or simply rez and retrain which became extremely taxing on our limited resources. For me, this is what gave it the thrill - the fact that typically the PK had the most to lose and the bounty boards meant something. Your character's reputation was perfectly captured simply by the way you played. This is why I PK'ed.

    But, we are not in 1999, and times have changed. So to answer this question today is a bit different. Simply put, UOR has managed to capture many of the original vibes of the game even 20+ years later. We do get some freedoms we didn't have back then, like having 3 accounts for free, being able to macro off short term counts (and even get paid a little plat to do so). So where is the risk? Where is the thrill in that? Well for me, you have to make things as challenging as possible. This is why 99% of the time I solo PK. I almost always carry semi rares (typically leprechaun clothing which I am wearing) or sometimes even high value items like Christmas scrolls. I do my best to ensure that my character is a veritable loot piñata! I rarely turn down fights no matter how many short terms I have, the only time I won't take a fight is when the wife is calling!

    This is why I PK on UOR, it gives me all the old feels of the risk vs. reward PKing had back in the day: taking those outnumbered fights deep in stat loss, barely escaping the barrage of firebreaths you just know are coming, or sometimes just simply getting outplayed. Sometimes there is nothing cooler than getting outplayed by a person whose name you don't even recognize. Does it feel odd rezzing most of my victims? Of course it does, but even PKs do what we can for the health of the server. Keep in mind most PKs are not out to ruin your day or try to make you stop playing. They are simply playing the game the way they remember and enjoy. I currently have three reds with nearly 400 total long term murder counts and 70 short term counts combined between them. I will make sure all my reds profiles are public so you can view kill/death history. a mystic llama, a straw hat, and me me me.

    So what would I do to get the house?
    I would accept a one time hit list to be completed within a reasonable amount of time. I will make a video of the kills you request and the ones along the way as I hunt them down. Heads will be delivered upon completion as well.

    What would I do with the house?
    Actually, there is something I have wanted to do for a very long time, but logistically it could not work until now. Since the house is literally next to the duel pits, and duel pits consume resources unfortunately, I would use the house to friend anyone in the community who wishes to duel on the Live Server instead of all the action being tragically hidden on the Test Center. The house would function as a restock center for regs and potions strictly to be used for duels. I am not concerned with being dry looted and expect it to happen a couple of times, this should be no big deal as I know a large portion of the duel community - so tracking down anyone abusing the house should be very easy. I would keep the house stocked as long as I play here, in hopes people come hang out at the Bucs' pits on the Live Server. There are some very talented duelists here - and I hate that they do not get all the prestige and recognition that they deserve, solely due to most of the action taking place on the Test Center. Even people who don't PvP hang out at duel pits when its active! If the day ever comes where I have to part from UOR you have my word I will run another contest akin to this one, should I receive the house.
    Lizzy likes this.
  5. Serotonin

    Serotonin Active Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    @fefe If you win, you have my word that I will co-own you and aid you in this mission. Bottom floor would belong to the community.
    fefe likes this.
  6. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    **picks up the mic to drop it proper** :D I PK WITH WORDS LET US BATTLE RAP! :D

    Here you are callin' yourself The Warrior.
    But three posts, all I see here, is a foreigner?
    Wait, double entries in a contest, it's a forum smurf!
    Acting like you don't call Renaissance your home turf...

    Three forum posts total... all for a prize!
    Acting like the homeboy Peace just ain't that wise.
    Honestly, I think he's probably hip to you.
    But ayo I'll rhyme back just cause I wanted to.

    New to the server, we know you be lying.
    While real PKs out, causing peoples to be dying.
    The name dropping stuff - what's up with that man?
    All just a part of your cutesy little plan!

    Drop ten names wow - that's so hot...
    You must really be out there grindin' a lot.
    Gonna take "a'while" - by your own admission.
    Sounding more to me like utter submission.

    Still, gotta love to see all that ambition.
    Even if you need a smurf to achieve your mission.
    Are you big, are you small, we'll never know...
    Since you made a new account to show us your flow.

    Yea I'm the new girl in town here to bust some rhymes.
    When I saw that poem it was just a matter of time.
    Signed up, registered, I'm truly new to the server!
    Not a great PK but a damn good observer!

    How you gonna come out with an Ode to these boys?
    When you just want a free house to add to your toys?
    I ain't in the competition just lettin it loose...
    A true PK could put that house to real use.

    What you're offering Peace is pretty wack.
    Seems to me like your offer is just talking smack.
    You prolly out mining like a good lil quarrier,
    Go back to what you do best, Discord Warrior.

    I came here to advocate for all of the PKs.
    If it wasn't for you we'd forget bout rainy days.
    Reppin for UO only played in Felucca.
    PKs coming at you stone cold like Medusa.

    Big ups to the participants in this event!
    That house is baller, gotta wonder what Peace spent?!
    Props to all PKs: whether you're good, gittin' gud, just bad, or mean,
    Hope the Murder competition stays COLD and CLEAN.

    **mic drop** :p

    P.S. I can't win the event I don't think but I wanted to play :D come back at me and PK me with rhymes pls
    fefe likes this.
  7. Ultima Warrior

    Ultima Warrior New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    *picks up the mic real quick*

    I like what you did there,
    It was .. quite inspired,
    But tearing down newbies,
    Just isn't required.

    30 days on the shard,
    I'll show my account age,
    But callin' me out, damn,
    That's just an outrage,

    The competition was listed,
    For those who aren't vets,
    Peace put them out there,
    So I'm taking all bets,

    How many posts do I need?
    I just signed up, like yourself
    I'm just several weeks in now
    So I'm still building some wealth

    Why not have two entries?
    As I play different styles,
    One is a PK, another a crafter
    And yeah, I did say ... it might be a while

    A crafter, a tamer, a PK and a thief
    So yeah, I'm out killin', admittedly slow
    The muscle memory and reflexes
    Aren't quite there yet, you know?

    There's some solid entries
    Just right above you
    How about drop them some verses
    And give them your run through?

    I'm not here to mince words
    Just tryin' my luck
    Just read your post
    And thought WTF

    Quickly dropping some verbiage
    Spittin' a rhyme at you real quick
    Some of your verses
    Were really quite slick

    Peace will decide soon,
    It's all in his hands
    I put myself out there
    To find a place in these lands

    A wonderful world here,
    That Chris has created,
    A place where the bloodlust
    Can be quite satiated,

    My characters' gone red,
    Within just a few days
    I've killed many already
    In so many ways

    The pens and an IDOC
    Running through ol' Destard
    I just took some stat loss
    Damn, that makes it a bit hard

    Retraining my toon now
    Bustin' out ... Kal Vas Flam
    Hitting the dungeons daily
    Making them blues say, goddamn

    I have some things to do now
    Enjoy this verse... my new friend
    Let's see who gets the house
    And who laughs last at the end

    Good luck to everyone!
    Solid entries all round.

    Apparently, just a forum smurf.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2022
    Lizzy, fefe and Vincent Blackshadow like this.
  8. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Nice Rap Battle there at the end. All Good and worthy stories.

    Honestly every one of you deserve to win, but I only have one house.

    So here is my offer.

    You can
    A: Take 500k in gold and walk away richer
    B: Risk it all in the Duel Pit - Last red standing WINS the house
    If there are only 2 contenders, then we can use duel pit rules - no stat loss
    3 or more, you all walk in and have at it. If you have 5 shorts, you could suffer stat loss if you lose

    Let me know your choices and we will get this done !!

    @Ultima Warrior
    Lizzy and Quartz like this.
  9. Ultima Warrior

    Ultima Warrior New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    I'm going to put it out there.

    @Serotonin and @fefe

    If you want to go at it in the pits, I'm good with that.

    However, how about we pool the win and build that community house. Leave the 3 of us with upstairs access to restock the lower floor as required. Happy to put my crafter there to make pots, etc. Build a PK hideout / duel centre.

    If @LanDarr is up for it, we could pool some of the proposed winnings and put it towards buying regs and stuff for PK "go bags" and duel supplies.

    Thoughts? @LanDarr this is your rodeo.
    Lizzy and fefe like this.
  10. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Whatever deals you guys want to make among yourselves, is completely up to you guys, but I need to give the house to a single toon. You could all bow out but one, each getting 500k to put towards whatever endeavor you want.

    Dont forget @Lizzy has a stake in this as well
  11. Serotonin

    Serotonin Active Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    Well ladies and gentlemen, in the spirit of all the hip hop here, allow me to pick up the mic. In the famous words of Method Man and Wu-Tang:

    Cash rules everything around me. C.R.E.A.M. Get the money. Dollar dollar bill y’all.

    @LanDarr I’ll take the money.

    Down for fights, but imma get my bag up.

    @Ultima Warrior @Lizzy @fefe - I’m down for the cause. Whoever takes the tower, I’m willing to allocate some winnings into community regs, pots, gear, and help maintain the bottom floor for the PvP community here.
    Lizzy and fefe like this.
  12. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    I am at the event center. Show up on your Red to collect.

    Attached Files:

    Lizzy likes this.
  13. fefe

    fefe Active Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Lets settle it in the duel pits!

    We can work out the community storage after, I will be around later this evening if you are available @Ultima Warrior
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    Ultima Warrior and Lizzy like this.
  14. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    I am also a newb and just like poetry and rap battles and wanted to have some fun, PK with rhymes; because (surprise!) I'm not great in the duel pits! I owe Ultima Warrior a retort... I was just playing by the way, sorry man, great rebuttal! Thank you for that <3 :D

    I would like to formally concede because I do not meet all of the qualifications for the Event. I just thought it was a really cool fun thing to do and wanted to be a part of it in some way. Thanks for setting this up @LanDarr it was really sweet to see something like this going on.

    Good luck everybody and I'm excited to see some action in the pits!! ;)
    Ultima Warrior likes this.
  15. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    So @fefe and @Ultima Warrior will settle it in the duel pits. You guys set it up and let me know when to be there. Lets get this done TODAY !!

    @Lizzy I have your check ready, Will leave Peace parked at the event center. , Ping me on Discord when you get there... I am Peace on discord
  16. Ultima Warrior

    Ultima Warrior New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    I'm in! Let me fix my stat loss, give me a day or two.
  17. Ultima Warrior

    Ultima Warrior New Member

    Oct 2, 2022
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    I'm fixing double stat loss, should be ready tomorrow? Is that ok with everyone? Happy to die if need be
  18. Lizzy

    Lizzy New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    If the home ends up being a community resource it would be great if you donated any winnings you had in mind for me to the reagents cause! =)
  19. fefe

    fefe Active Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    You can duel in the pits without worrying about stat loss if you die iirc, I am also in stat. I will be free later this afternoon and evening let me know : )

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