To the majority of the Adventurers of Sosaria, Thanksgiving means time to kill Pilgrims and Indians in equal measure and for some, to be Blasted to within an Inch of their lives at the KOS training ground (Totally EPIC). For Father Christmas, however this is time to PANIC there is soo much to do, for 10 years (with help from many others), Secret Santa has been for many the Highlight of their year either to become Rich beyond all imagination, or to pull off the Ultima-te prank on a Friend or Enemy. but this year, the Ten Year Anniversary Year, What can I do to make this year special. For all those who love this time of year and cannot resist a visit to Santa at their local mall I have decided to bring this experience to Barrier Island. Come see me the Jolly Fat Man live at Santa's Post office on Sunday the 4th and 11th of December 2022 From 11am-1pm (GMT) for Eurozone players and 3pm-6pm (EST) for you Muricans. P.S. coming soon sign-ups for the 2022 Anniversary Edition Secret Santa - 3 tiered gift giving Extravaganza. Put those guild wars and petty hates to the side and give Generously. I'm hopeful of no pranks or trolls this year (for once)
well this is fun, 1 and 1/2 hours of just sitting here singing Christmas carols to my Reindeer and a random Wandering healer, Hoyt. Hopefully the Murcian populous will be more willing to visit me this afternoon. Remember I will be here from 3-6pm EST
Thanks for the gifts and Father Christmas for organizing this event along with all his helpers! This was a lot of fun!