Link of location you can notice the moongate is just down south a screenie away or so , its a nice place to have your own property in lovely Yew . Ifffff not PERFECT for a Vendor Mall , yew atracts buyers all the time , if you are a good crafter and wish to start your own mall this is the place to do so. And maybe your small tower isnt doing good enough for you and wish and upgrade many reasons to own this property. Mid sized yew close to the moongate and a run away also from bank arent easily placable. so here comes the rules to auction SB > 700k mil BID inc 50k BO 1.5mil accepting plat and hc at 4.5k and 3.5k each. Auction starts as soon as first person bids ends 24h after last bid. Thank you and wish me all luck and success killing the habbit. PEACE I DO consider trades but once anyone bids i wont anymore not to be unfair to bidder.
that be my real name lol its just my fb open , im Ellendur on discord. im also selling a log cabin for vendor mall or whatever someone wants to make of it. you interested?