UND Take Over Deceit Dungeon!!!

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by TheWarlock, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. TheWarlock

    TheWarlock Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2020
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    The UNDead Alliance are diss'sgusted to announce our First Role Play Event.

    The Gates of Hell, have been open In UOR!!! During 2 hours, some of our brave Undead Epic Monsters, will run around free in Deceit Dungeon...

    Beware, because they will not be alone. The UNDead Alliance will be there to protect them, from all of you Filthy Sacks of Blood, till the Gates of Hell Close!!

    Rules: 1 box per player( tamer, dexer, etc ). Try to respect this rule, please!!!

    No loot at all.(except the first kill of a UND player, there will be a extra reward inside the bag).

    There will be wandering healers inside Deceit Dungeon, ready to Ress everyone, Blues and Reds.

    Undead Epic Monsters will drop surprise rewards.

    Event will last 2 Hours. Starting 14 of January at 23h30 GMT (-5 Eastern Time and -8 Western Time).

    Hope everyone respects the rules and show up for some fun role play.

    AOٌ, VentedGibbon and serra17 like this.
  2. VentedGibbon

    VentedGibbon Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    The red healers will stay busy, bring it!
    TheWarlock likes this.

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