I had been on refresh mode for a couple years... spaced on the date, and it finally fell. Small stone tower right outside the Moonglow East Gate. Had some decent stuff in there, but nothing earth shattering. Hopefully someone good made off with a few wares. Shard seems to be slowly (or rapidly maybe) deteriorating from a player volume and engagement perspective (which obviously I am part of the issue). I check the forums daily, and can't remember this many large houses IDOC'ing lately. Sad to see. Feels like the end of an era for me.
I will admit, I absolutely love this Server and plan to stick with it. I recently had a job change and I havent found the time to play that I used too. But I will eventually get things straightened out and back playing like I used too. I keep donating $ because I want it to stick around for people to find and enjoy. I just hope a dedicated team of core players and enthusiasts keep it alive and continue to make developments and events that are fun and unique to keep it going. I have alot of ideas for some small tweaks to make the game more enjoyable, and hopefully someday can talk to the game masters to get them implemented or considered.
My fortress on Ice just IDOC'd. It actually feels like a weight off the shoulders. UOR is the best free shard I have played on imo, gives you that real UOR experience enhanced that anyone looking to revive that era of their life wants. I had a really good time here since 2013 but its now time to let it all go. Thanks a bunch UOR, you've been amazing.
Very sad to see you go, but totally understand. Life happens and things change. I am so glad I found this shard and it reminds me of when I played back in 1999 to 2003 before I joined the military and wasnt able to play again until recently when I finally got out haha. Take care and best of luck, and come back if you ever feel that nostalgia tugging at ya!