Inscription 30-100 with Stats

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Savage, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Check it out- Let me know if something doesn't look right. If you like it or the info helps you with Inscription, "like it", thanks.
    *Note-before you start you should have Magery and Meditation at 100 to make this as easy as possible.
    **Written for the new Player, Vets excuse the over simplification, but appreciate the details.
    *image courtesy of UOR Forum

    Materials Needed-

    Scribe's Pen-

    I made 120 with a GM tinker and used 103 if you buy them from the NPC Scribe you will need more, the GM Tinkered Pens have more uses.

    Blank Scrolls-
    7516 Scrolls were used to GM Inscription.

    This will vary according to what scrolls you want to end up with, you train on the Spell Level and some spells use more then others. The stats I list will show how many scrolls of each level were made.

    Time spent training from 45.2 - 100
    ScTime.png (1,391 Minutes) 23 Hours 18 Minutes of Macroing
    Spells.(31.0-45.2 was done overnight copying books.)


    ScGold70.png My Cost- in Scrolls and Regs for the mix I chose to make(below)- Level 4 Spells-9,000 Gold/ Level 6 Spells-48,500 Gold/ Level 7 Spells- 10,300 Gold/ Level 8 Spells-28,924 Gold- Total Cost= 96,724 Gold

    ScGold70.png Forum Guide Cost- Recall/E-Bolt/Flame Strike/Resurrection, based off my results with similar yields- approximate Total Cost= 90.324 Gold
    *(do you want all those E-Bolt/Flame Strike Scrolls?)
    ScGold70.png Gideon's Advice, sell your scrolls to offset the cost of training Inscription.
    Recall/Mark/Gate/Resurrection, based off my results with similar yields- approx Total Cost= 109,724 Gold
    Bonus Information- Your initial investment is higher with reagent cost, but if you sold them.......(based off my scroll yields per Level)

    Sold at Cost- 58,259 Gold (109,724 minus 58,259) = Inscription cost you 51,429 Gold
    (412 Recalls/ 15 per= 6,180) (2,155 Marks/ 15 per= 32,325) (538 Gates/ 14 per= 7,532) (873 Resurrections/ 14 per=12,222)

    Sold on your Vendor in time could yield- * 161,685 Gold (161,685 minus 109,724) = Inscription training *PROFIT of 51,961 Gold
    *Hypothetical pricing- (Recall/30 per/300 for 10) (Mark/35 per/350 for 10) (Gate/40 per/400 for 10) (Resurrection/60 per/600 for 10)

    (412 Recalls/ 30 per= 12,360) (2,155 Marks/ 35 per= 75,425) (538 Gates/ 40 per= 21,520) (873 Resurrections/ 60 per= 52,380)


    Skill Gains per Spell Level -
    31.0 - 50.0 shown/ 45.2 real - 2 books overnight.
    45.2 - 51.1 Level 4 Spells - 600 blank scrolls.
    51.1 - 84.9 Level 6 Spells - 3,900 blank scrolls.
    84.9 - 90.3 Level 7 Spells - 950 blank scrolls.
    90.3 - 100 Level 8 Spells - 2,066 blank scrolls.
    Detailed Skill Gains below.

    Information from the Forum Guide
    If you are in IRC, you can type-" !inscription " to bring up this link at anytime during training.

    *image courtesy of UOR Forum
    Buy Inscription at the Mage Shop from a Scribe by saying the Scribes "Name" teach Inscription, and drop the amount of gold they specify on their head.
    (I was able to buy it up to 31.0)
    While you are there, buy two blank books, and write something in one of them.


    Find Inscription in your Skills List and hold down the left mouse button on it (highlighting the skill) and drag it off to one side giving you an Inscription skill button.

    Make a macro double clicking your Inscription Skill Button and target the book you wrote something in and then target the blank book. I let this macro run overnight and woke up with 50 shown skill (45.2 real), so I am not sure on the exact time required to get to 50.
    ( If you need help making a macro, scroll to the bottom and I will list instructions and the macros I used to GM Inscription.)

    *Note-before you start you should have Magery and Meditation at 100 to make this as easy as possible.
    ** Join the Mage's Guild before you buy regs and scrolls to get the discount. Do this by saying the Mage Guildmaster's "name" join, he will tell you there is a fee of 500 gold to join. Drop 500 gold on his head and you are set.


    Macro used during training (the macro listed is a base macro designed to be attended and reloaded manually, if you want to AFK you will have to add a "restock and organizer agent" to load and unload)
    The macro below is a Make Last Spell macro and does the following:
    Double click scribe's pen (converted to by type)
    Selects "make last" Spell (you will need to attempt to make the spell you want to make once and then push Play)
    When mana is low (edit or adjust)
    Use Skill Meditation
    If Meditation fails(you cannot focus)
    Use Skill Meditation
    Scribe Make Last Spell
    Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you cannot focus

    How to copy and paste a macro in Razor-
    Upgrayedd's how to copy paste a razor macro link.


    Detailed Skill Gains are as follows-

    31.0 - 50.0 shown 45.2 real- Copy Books- AFK Overnight, so no exact time frame for gains.

    Level 4 Spells-Recall (Forum Guide says to make Level 4 recall from 45-50)
    45.2 - 51.1 real
    Level 4 Recall - 600 blank scrolls and regs(bp/bm/mr) made 412 Recall scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=2,400/ 4 per bp=2,400/ 4 per bm=2,400/ 3 per mr=1,800- Total cost 9,000 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 200 blank scrolls and 200 each reg per load.
    45.2 - 47.3 = 2.1 gained,130 recalls from 200 attempts in 26 Minutes.
    47.3 - 49.7 = 2.4 gained,137 recalls from 200 attempts in 22 Minutes.
    49.7 - 51.1 = 1.4 gained,145 recalls from 200 attempts in 23 Minutes.

    Level 6 Spells-Mark/E-Bolt/Invisibility (Forum Guide says to make Level 6 E-Bolt from 50-85) Gideon advises Mark so you can make money back selling to Players. I chose a mix for my own use, your cost will vary according to what you decide to make.
    51.1 - 84.9 real
    Level 6 Mark - 400 blank scrolls and regs(bp/bm/mr) made 101 Mark scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=1,600/ 4 per bp=1,600/ 4 per bm=1,600/ 3 per mr=1,200- Total cost 6,000 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 200 blank scrolls and 200 each reg per load.
    51.1 - 53.9 = 2.8 gained, 40 marks from 200 attempts in 6 Minutes.
    53.9 - 56.6 = 2.7 gained, 61 marks from 200 attempts in 11 Minutes.

    Level 6 E-Bolt - 2000 blank scrolls and regs(bp/ns) made 969 E-Bolt scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=8,000/ 4 per bp=8,000/ 3 per ns=6,000- Total cost 22,000 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 250 blank scrolls and 250 each reg per load.
    56.6 - 60.0 = 3.4 gained, 72 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 23 Minutes.
    60.0 - 63.4 = 3.4 gained, 91 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 28 Minutes.
    63.4 - 65.9 = 2.5 gained, 109 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 31 Minutes.
    65.9 - 68.0 = 2.1 gained, 110 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 31 Minutes.
    68.0 - 70.5 = 2.5 gained, 128 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 34 Minutes.
    70.5 - 73.3 = 2.8 gained, 146 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 38 Minutes.
    73.3 - 75.5 = 2.2 gained, 133 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 35 Minutes.
    75.5 - 77.5 = 2.0 gained, 180 e-bolts from 250 attempts in 44 Minutes.

    Level 6 Mark(again) - 1000 blank scrolls and regs(bp/bm/mr) made 708 Mark scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=4,000/ 4 per bp=4,000/ 4 per bm=4,000/ 3 per mr=3,000- Total cost 15,000 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 200 blank scrolls and 200 each reg per load.
    77.5 - 78.7 = 1.2 gained, 144 marks from 200 attempts in 36 Minutes.
    78.7 - 79.9 = 1.2 gained, 151 marks from 200 attempts in 39 Minutes.
    79.9 - 80.7 = 0.8 gained, 137 marks from 200 attempts in 35 Minutes.
    80.7 - 82.0 = 1.3 gained, 139 marks from 200 attempts in 35 Minutes.
    82.0 - 82.3 = 0.3 gained, 137 marks from 200 attempts in 35 Minutes.

    Level 6 Invisibility - 500 blank scrolls and regs(bm/ns) made 377 Invisibility scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=2,000/ 4 per bm=2,000/ 3 per ns= 1,500- Total cost 5,500 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 250 blank scrolls and 250 each reg per load.
    82.3 - 83.5 = 1.2 gained, 187 Invisibility from 250 attempts in 46 Minutes.
    83.5 - 84.9 = 1.4 gained, 190 Invisibility from 250 attempts in 48 Minutes.

    Level 7 Spells Flame Strike/ Gate (Forum Guide says to make Flame Strike from 85-90) Gideon advises Gate so you can make money back selling to Players. I chose a mix for my own use.

    84.9 - 90.3 real
    Level 7 Flame Strike - 750 blank scrolls and regs(ss/sa) made 408 Flame Strike scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=3,000/ 3 per ss=2,250/ 3 per sa=2,250- Total cost 7,500 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 250 blank scrolls and 250 each reg per load.
    84.9 - 86.7 = 1.8 gained, 123 Flame Strikes from 250 attempts in 58 Minutes.
    86.7 - 88.6 = 1.9 gained, 129 Flame Strikes from 250 attempts in 62 Minutes.
    88.6 - 89.7 = 1.1 gained, 156 Flame Strikes from 250 attempts in 72 Minutes.

    Level 7 Gate - 200 blank scrolls and regs(bp/mr/sa) made 130 Gate scrolls.
    Cost at 4 per scroll=800/ 4 per bp=800/ 3 per mr=600/ 3 per sa=600- Total cost 2,800 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 200 blank scrolls and 200 each reg per load.
    89.7 - 90.3 = 0.6 gained, 130 Gate scrolls from 200 attempts in 61 Minutes.

    Level 8 Spells Resurrection (Forum Guide says to make Resurrection scrolls from 90-100)
    90.3 - 100 real
    Level 8 Resurrection - 2066 blank scrolls and regs(bm/gar/gin) made 873 Resurrection Scrolls.

    Cost at 4 per scroll=8,264/ 4 per bm=8,264/ 3 per gar=6,198/ 3 per gin=6,198- Total cost 28,924 Gold
    Gain Breakdown- 200 blank scrolls and 200 each reg per load.
    90.3 - 91.7 = 1.4 gained, 60 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 39 Minutes.
    91.7 - 93.0 = 1.3 gained, 81 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 46 Minutes.
    93.0 - 94.1 = 1.1 gained, 80 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 46 Minutes.
    94.1 - 95.2 = 1.1 gained, 82 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 47 Minutes
    95.2 - 96.2 = 1.0 gained, 101 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 60 Minutes.
    96.2 - 97.2 = 1.0 gained, 80 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 46 Minutes.
    97.2 - 97.7 = 0.5 gained, 85 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 49 Minutes.
    97.7 - 98.0 = 0.3 gained, 86 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 51 Minutes.
    98.0 - 99.0 = 1.0 gained, 104 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 61 Minutes.
    99.0 - 99.7 = 0.7 gained, 91 Res scrolls from 200 attempts in 53 Minutes.
    99.7 - 100 = 0.3 gained, 23 Res scrolls from 66 attempts in 14 Minutes.(134 Blank scrolls/Regs left)


    Scrolls made during training-
    Level 4- 412 Scrolls

    ScribeRecall.png ScRecall.png - 412 Recall Scrolls
    Level 6- 2,155 Scrolls

    ScribeMark.png ScMark.png - 809 Mark Scrolls
    ScribeEBolt.png ScEBolt.png - 969 E-Bolt Scrolls
    ScribeInvis.png ScInv.png - 377 Invisibility Scrolls
    Level 7- 538 Scrolls

    ScribeFlameStrike.png ScFS.png - 408 Flame Strike Scrolls
    ScribeGate.png ScGate.png - 130 Gate Scrolls
    Level 8- 873 Scrolls

    ScribeRez.png ScRess.png - 873 Resurrection Scrolls
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    r3ckon3r, Sadistik, Cretoma and 17 others like this.
  2. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Reserved for future content
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Why is this guide not referenced when looking up the inscription skill on the compendium?
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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  5. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Added to the big guide, gracias!
    Savage and wylwrk like this.
  6. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    This wonderful guide isn't referenced (related links lower right) when a player looks up inscription from the home page.

    @Chris ? @Basoosh ?
  7. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I can only do the "master guide", sorry :(
    wylwrk likes this.
  8. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    This guide still needs to be linked in the Compendium, @Chris.
    wylwrk likes this.
  9. Icewalker

    Icewalker Active Member

    Feb 8, 2017
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    Wow. The most insane best guide I've ever seen! Great job, please do more guides with this kind of information. Incredible !!!
    Yadg and wylwrk like this.
  10. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    This IS a great guide. I wish the photos were still up for it. I've been using this guide lately and found out all the SHOWN skill values based on Savage's "skill gain per spell level" section. So, for all you 'set it and forget it' razor macro folks out there, here is what I found.

    Skill Gains per Spell Level -
    31.0 - 45.2 real / 50.0 shown - copy 2 books overnight.
    45.2 - 51.1 real / 50.0 - 55.2 shown Level 4 Spells
    51.1 - 84.9 real / 55.2 - 86.1 shown Level 6 Spells
    84.9 - 90.3 real / 86.1 - 91.1 shown Level 7 Spells
    90.3 - 100.0 real / 91.1 - 100.0 shown Level 8 Spells
    wylwrk and Savage like this.
  11. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Thanks! Took awhile to correct, but I think I fixed everything.
    Now I have to repair the others.....:(
    wylwrk likes this.
  12. Vortex

    Vortex Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    @Chris can we have this added to the inscription page in compendium ?
    Twister and wylwrk like this.
  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    @Chris, add this guide to the homepage site for inscription. Just do it! :mad::eek::confused::mad:
  14. RunawaySky

    RunawaySky Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    BEST GUIDE EVER !!!! Awesome work dude !!!
  15. Daping

    Daping Active Member
    Server Supporter

    May 19, 2020
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    Yeah great guide !

    Mind if i use it to make an auto macro and post it ? (will put a link to this guide)
  16. kilgore

    kilgore Member

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Just GM'd inscription with the following *show* skill levels:

    30 -> 50: copy book
    50 -> 67.8: recall scroll (made ~2100, I made an extra 250 with no gains)
    67.8 -> 82.5: mark scroll (made 1200)
    82.5 -> 100: gate (made 3100)

    I wanted to max out gains on recall/gate scrolls as those will be more useful to me.
  17. r3ckon3r

    r3ckon3r Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    My gains halted at about 67 shown skill with 6th circle spells like mark and invis after about 200 of each regs wasted. I switched to gate travel and it's flying now.

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