Enjoy my Keep

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Jessie, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I do not do any kind of drama and probably most of you have never heard of me. I play UO in cycles, I hit it hard, then life takes over then I play hard again. I have been a proud member of ONE for 3 years and by and large they are a great group of guys. Over the last 6-8 months I was renting out my keep to Nikon because he didn't have the cash to pay for it up front, sort of a rent to own, and there was an auction where we agreed to that arrangement and stipulated that in the listing before I ended the auction. Since it was "his house" I cleared the list of everyone but my house owner. He was recently in a refresh mode and had a bot to refresh his properties. Well this time something happened and my keep apparently did not get refreshed. ONE was there to collect the goodies and replaced my keep. No sweat off me, because I had cleaned out my stuff before he moved in, plus my guild got the spot instead of someone else. Afterward, I start inquiring about how I could get my house back. I thought it would be a simple give me a deed and we'll call it even or even a little profit on it sort of a lesson to not do that again. I'm not naming names but imagine the shock when I was told they were going to auction it. It's not like I just joined last week.


    1) I was not super active with them
    2) I had some personal issues with a high ranking member
    3) About 4-6 months ago I kept an item from an IDOC and was caught in a lie (one half of "sand" I think) so here I broke the faith and once you lose it you don't get it back. I was not allowed to idoc anymore.
    4) A mistake was made by me to not checkup on the keep refreshing myself, because accidents happen
    5) Some members of that guild know that was my house and I have chat proof
    6) Even though I take full responsibility for my inadequacies I do not feel stealing my keep was deserved

    I would love some opinions on this, other than you are a dumb-ass you should have checked. Yeah, I said that already. I just don't feel a guild such as ONE that helps people, has a good reputation (except enemies of course) I felt was a good guild - should treat any member like I was.

    You should see it up for auction any minute now, I just wanted the shard to see how they treat members that fall from favor.

    Erik likes this.
  2. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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    you did good, 2311 plat + misc just to hang around champs...
  3. Zero

    Zero Well-Known Member
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    Jul 6, 2020
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    Jessie i personally caught you in Caves i was killing in stealthing and looting the chests, So you bitching about loyalty is funny.

    Sorry you lost your Keep.

    Best of luck.
    Labeler likes this.
  4. VentedGibbon

    VentedGibbon Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Nikon let a cave entrance workshop drop, then did a rage quit and gave away the 20ex valorite BOD I floated to finish his hammer on the condition I get his next pull and first swing. IDOC drama made him leave ONE and I lost both. More players and stuff lost to his failures.
    Jessie likes this.
  5. r3ckon3r

    r3ckon3r Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Sounds to me like these incidents (including the OPs) show it's best not to go through with expensive deals like this where you're left waiting for someone else to fulfil their half. One incident will trigger someone and then obviously it gives them the perfect excuse to sever existing deals.
    The Watch likes this.
  6. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Like people don't have a "bad boy" character somewhere in their 3 accounts. I never did anything against my guild except for the sand half. I play Jessie in character except against my tagged guildmates. I don't keep up who has alts, too much to remember.
  7. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Agreed, I messed ~ up but I shouldn't have lost a keep for it, especially when there was no decree I was aware of. I could have been served a warning then next time lose it. There are others in the guild that have received multiple warnings, from what I understand.
  8. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    One guess who I had issue with? Hang around champs? Did I do one champ or harrower after you kicked me from the idoc crew? Why do you think I stayed away? You and only you. Ragnar said I was always welcomed as a member even after the sand happened, but you and I never got along after that. I never used guild resources, I never did anything bad except the sand. I would prefer if you leave the remarks out of this, I said anything in this thread to provoke any ONE member.
  9. Venger

    Venger Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 5, 2020
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    I have found that ONE is run as a meritocracy. They are fair but stern.

    It sounds like you made arrangements that put you in a pickle. I wouldn't blame others for that.

    I do sympathize with you. GL
  10. VentedGibbon

    VentedGibbon Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Don't trust anyone in UO!
  11. Ragnar Lothbrok

    Ragnar Lothbrok Well-Known Member
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    Jul 19, 2016
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    first off , the keep was posted for sale , we thought u sold it . i have personally rented to own a few houses to people and i owned the house till they paid it in full and then they got the house in their name . that whole time they were paying it off i refreshed the house. You did not even notice your keep was not your keep anymore till 9 days after your keep fell . while we were there at the keep we asked people if anyone owned it and someone found your sale post on the forums and said he sold it so.... that is how that went . You went to many diff higher up ONE members and IMO didnt have the right mindset to start those kind of conversations . each one was diff also . we have sold people stuff back but they didnt come at us like it was our fault that THEY didnt refresh their house or have others on a refresh loop along with yourself . They came with the words of "hey man i fucked up did you happen to get my house that idoced" ? they offered a solution instead of expecting to get it handed back to them for free , and they sure as hell didnt block Vet members of the discord .......... then they sure as hell didnt whisper honey in the gms ear and then come to the forums to bash the guild !!! all of this went down the way it did because of YOU and YOU alone. it would be nice if you would realize that and leave it at that . there was no need to make a forum post to make people look bad when it was all YOU .
    r3ckon3r likes this.
  12. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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    its all Labeler's fault, remember?

    if you want some screenshot of your half ass behaviour let me know..... (dm's, harry logs...) , but i was told you didnt want drama....
    gl in your future endevours
  13. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member
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    Mar 27, 2015
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    im sure Nikon will be happy when you give a guildmate his stuff back
  14. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Your biggest mistake was to borrow/rent your keep to someone that had no condition to own a keep but was too proud to move to a small house...
    Welcome to Labelers(one) blacklist!
  15. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    1) You did not even notice your keep was not your keep anymore till 9 days after your keep fell . - True, I trusted my renter to, and he always PM'd me in Discord that it was refreshed - sure I double checked but after so long maybe I got lazy.. plus shit happens and maybe he couldn't refresh it. Whatever, what's done is done.

    2) While we were there at the keep we asked people if anyone owned it and someone found your sale post on the forums and said he sold it so.... that is how that went - Bunny knew, we had a convo about the transaction between Nikon and myself, I never said it was DONE on the auction header, but there is at the bottom the terms of mine and Nikon's transaction. Not your responsibility but if someone checked that auction the last couple of posts deal with Nikon's and my terms.

    3) You went to many diff higher up ONE members and IMO didnt have the right mindset to start those kind of conversations . each one was diff also . Yes definitely not the right mindset, I have a mil to my name that it cost me 10m to buy that keep. How was each one different? You guys would freak out too if you lost a house like that (maybe one of your forts)

    4) we have sold people stuff back but they didnt come at us like it was our fault that THEY didnt refresh their house or have others on a refresh loop along with yourself . I never said it was anyone's fault but mine but after being in ONE so long maybe I expected a favor? idk if I snagged a house that a friend of mine owned and they asked for it back I would do it.. maybe that makes me dumb,

    5) and they sure as hell didnt block Vet members of the discord - whatever limited mutual respect labeler and I had died with the sand and we've never been the same. Why do you think I didn't play for a couple of months.. just hoping it would be forgiven and forgot

    6) then they sure as hell didnt whisper honey in the gms ear and then come to the forums to bash the guild !!! - whisper honey what? I still think that and have no ill will to ONE except the way I got treated at the end. You guys were fair throughout my membership and I have no qualms with anyone other than labeler obviously. i just got tired of his passive aggressiveness. There is a certain way to treat people. We don't have to love each other but there should be a base respect there. That's why I blocked him, and would do it again at this point.

    7) I always accepted my role in this f* up and never blamed anyone else for my keep dropping. Never. All I was hoping is there was a way I could get it back, even if it was me paying a fine or something other than being told it was going to be auctioned. That is what really put me over the edge to get treated like a $2 whore.. I would have paid to get it back but just to get told its being auctioned - by my guildmates - it's just wrong and super disrespectful and not how guildmates should be treated if they f* up like I did.
  16. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Yes in hindsight I should have been checking; but even more I should have asked him for it back until he got out of refresh mode. I'm not even blaming him for anything. My house - my responsibility. I have been on that list for a long time so there's no change.
  17. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I don't know anything about that.
  18. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I will be fine in my future endeavors. I already replied to the top paragraph. Yes you were the reason I hung low but only because you would never forget nor forgive and that kept us (at best) in a strained position. Shit you have all the stats and stuff from how shitty I was at Harry's - I am playing a game, when did it get to be work? Labeler's fault? When the f* did I ever say that? Even with this keep thing, I never said it was anyone's fault but mine. Maybe I just expected as a guild mate I would be treated better.
  19. Jessie

    Jessie Active Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Please read the post again, I am not blaming anyone but me. That whole post was about how I was treated. To get told my keep was going to auction before even being offered to pay a tax or anything was the whole reason for this.
  20. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member
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    Mar 27, 2015
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    that was for the idoccers - not you

    sorry you have to go through this with your friends
    Erik and Jessie like this.

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