Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Prometheus, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. Prometheus

    Prometheus New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Likes Received:
    ROUND 2
    !!!!BOND SLOTS FOR SALE!!!! 100K Gold per slot
    - Scroll will be opened this Saturday 12/7 AFTER we finish the first scroll around 11am EST ish
    - 10 slots available!! Post below with your toon name that you want the slot on, first come first serve upon payment! (Your toon will be added to the list once I receive your payment)
    - You must have your toon parked at the fence in T2A at the Tamers Quest location (pic shown) PKs will most likely show up, they have a thing for killing afk toons lol, so it's best to come as a ghost in war mode so you are visible or come without anything you don't want to lose but if you are killed you must be visible to be added to the scroll for the bond slot. (running a talking macro can make sure you are visible in case you are killed and not at the keyboard)
    - No refunds if you forget to show up or are not visible to be added to the scroll. I will do my best to get you on the next one if something comes up but no promises.
    - If you are at the fence and visible at the posted time slots are GUARANTEED!
    Message me on Discord at 1Baad50 with any questions you have.

  2. Prometheus

    Prometheus New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Likes Received:
    We will run this scroll IF we get it filled if not will be pushed back a few days

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