Update: all homes are no longer available All homes are now BO only! Large Tower South of Yew Gate - 750k sold Large Tower on swamp - 625k demolished Pair of Small Stone Towers near Yew Bank and Gate - 250k for both sold Brit Cemetery Sandstone w/ patio - 150k bo demolished Moonglow Sm Marble - 125k bo demolished Large Brick next to water - 200k sold Fire Island Large Brick - 200k, large house with patio also fits demolished Dragon Isle Sm Home+Lshape combo - both homes demolished, free spot while it lasts! That's all for now. Thanks for looking! If you're a newer player and are looking to place your own home, msg me on discord (Fusion or Bumboozle) and I can help you find a nice spot with your deed! (mostly L-shapes, sometimes large bricks, and smaller homes)