It is time: A new faction offering a Roleplay twist has arrived within the lands of Sosaria... I present to you the: [YNG] Sentinels We aim to rid the streets of the Dusk that plagues the realm, may the Dawn of the 'Yew Noble Guardians' Sentinel division, offer a new chance at combat and glory for the sake of a better banking and event experience for all. An information network has been and is building between other 'undercover', non-guild aligned agents. Join in. There is a 'book'ing process that creates Mugshots and is shared here within the Salty Dog Tavern! For more information about the project or enrollment options, please contact Kirby. We accept all experience levels of skill. "Just what is it to see a man splayed? In orderly fashion the parts are out laid, With kindling in hand, Over criminals I stand, Thieves carry no loot... now I'm paid." May the warmth of a Crotchfire light a new path forward, away from the cold dark of the shadows. Sincerely ObsidianKey
Known ringleader of the Dusk, collecting shadows within the streets of our realm... He must be apprehended. Information and appearance maybe subject to change to better match character identities as more information becomes available to the Justice network. Stay safe citizens.
The Jasos Twins.. "I've now encountered the Jasos Twins, Scoundrels of a sort, both men. Chase this one or that one? The skinny or the fat one? If you catch only one do you win?" They will be difficult to apprehend, don't expect them to go down easy.
Another known criminal, frequents the streets of Ocllo, currently suspected of aiding and abetting. I haven't seen him in action, though he looks like he has age and experience.
All points bulletin: Wanted criminal. If that's your real name... Suspected to be a magician, be weary with this one.
Another known criminal, be weary, this rogue boasts a silver tongue. Even on foot, as they name says, he's quick. There are a few Nilmers brothers, try not to flash your badge at the wrong one.
Definitely nothing to see here, "Honest" is in the name. Ahh the warmth of a Crotchfire, It's nice to see you again 'Honest' Abe. This one has been familiar to the Force for a long time.
Public service announcement from the [YNG] Sentinels: It is important to stay motivated on duty, a Crotchfire lights our paths away from the deep cold of the nights heavy shadows.
Suspect known for wearing disguise kits, may have multiple aliases. Such as Brazil. Trick of the trade: If you behead a thief, when the criminal applies a disguise kit, the head will change names to match the new identity.
Wanted thief, mostly harmless, distinguishable by his lavishly braided hair. The BuckBuck stops here.
A warrant is currently outstanding for the individual known as, Ilse. Known alias Louisa. Be careful, she carries a tickler, lightning wands are no joke for a new recruit. Steel yourself and they don't do much. *clanks mace on shield* She's a fast one and she knows the street tricks of Ocllo.
When the Sentinels are away, the block watch will play! * 'Book'ing process has begun for a Mr: Arcticseal
Would say he's a first time offender but his hands have been dirty before. Known member of the thieves guild, classified currently as a whelp. Don't fret about dishing out swift justice to this one.
Brought to justice at the end of a spiked mace, though we're one hundred percent positive this one is and will be a repeat offender. He really enjoyed his work, with the brass balls to blatantly steal almost everything out my Inventory during the chase. One wrong turn lead to another for 'the saint' this time around, as he pressed his luck on a hail-mary. Be careful, this one knows what he's doing.
That's a Five Five Five on a Ten: Eighty Six; Two for One in the Ocllo region. Note: Abnormally high amount of blood moss being trafficked.