Cant resist the Power of LOVE??? ONE has your back , come top off your Love resist right before Cupid and his minions show up once again with your ass as his target. starting early Tuesday Jan 28th ending after 20k of the finest quality anti-LOVE casts are rained down upon your heads Will try to get an event gate popped up
* Will be encouraging [YNG] members to attend regardless of their [youth] status. * Thank you for carrying on tradition.
Event gate is up in the EC , go in it , get killed by cannons walk in to the res gate , get in the box (fish for stamina ) and gain resist , also there are mage hats in the purple bag if you are working med, tambos on the tables for music gains and bandages for healing ( do not spam the bandages )
"The young and resistless all stood in [ONE] spot, While meteors rained down, dropping hot, Stand on but [ONE] tile, Or be removed for a awhile, You can always join back, food for thought."
"Now days everybody wants to talk, Like they've got something to say, But nothing comes out when they train resist, Just a bunch of gibberish, Mother'horse'riders' act like they forgot about Dre Ragnar.