Day ONE Valentines Champ

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Ragnar Lothbrok, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. Ragnar Lothbrok

    Ragnar Lothbrok Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Coming to you this Sunday Feb 9th , ONE will be running Cupid champs all day .
    Server WIDE invitation to join in on the fun
    Work together and KILL Cupid with us
    Bring Blues and if you go grey stay away from any tamers with macros going or you will be targeted
    if by chance we get any raiders stop thru we will have some PVP on stand by!!!!
    if any of these items go to my pack while im doing it we will get all the names of participants and do a RNG wheel to see who will win the item
    if a horse spawns and does not die we will do the same . CAN NOT GUARANTEE EVERYBODY WILL pass over a pack drop for rolls

    Outside of Wrong dungeon is where the alter is , you can not recall inside the v day champ area , so to get in you will go just outside the Purpank Fence just out the mountain opening or inside the dungeon wrong and exit the dungeon
    there are 4 Tiers of the champ
    each tier more difficult than the last
    4 white skulls to make a red skull , 4 red skulls per tier
    scrolls of forbidden love (pack drops during the champ) can start and advance the champ by one red skull when you dbl click a scroll and target the big skull at center of the alter

    Tier 1 -Tier 2 can be done with blade spirits ( on the roof of building at entrance of Wrong ) (cave ) (inside the purpank fence)
    Tier 3-Tier 4 Dragons , provo disco toons
    Boss can be done at the fence and shoot him with long range bows and provo the spawned mobs
    or inside champ area with dragons he does do area damage and hits hard (can disarm him)

    Along the way you can get pack drops such as Holiday coin , Vday bags , Candles , candy, roses,vday cards
    Cupid will drop a aggapite bow or heavy x bow each time, possible chance of rares such as arrows of love , cupids hot pank bow, cupids sandals, cupids mask , cupids trusty steed (400 hp hot pank horse)

    [​IMG] upload_2025-2-4_23-16-28.png upload_2025-2-4_23-16-59.png upload_2025-2-4_23-20-11.png


    here is a live action shot of part of the champ

    once you get thru all the tiers and spawn cupid , it is best to clear the area and go all in on the boss himself . As you fight him he will spawn more mobs to help him fight
    kill and provo those mobs to each other

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