Bumm Fights Inc., pvp tournament #1 for 2025

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Bummknocker, Wednesday at 4:45 PM.

  1. Bummknocker

    Bummknocker New Member

    Feb 24, 2025
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    Bumm Fights Inc., brings to you the first pvp tournament of 2025! Saturday 3/14/2025 at 10pm eastern time.

    Trophies will be provided for 1st and 2nd place.

    Currently we have a 2 time defending, reigning, undisputed champion from last year @ThanatoS and I hope he returns to continue defending.

    Rules as follows:
    No wands/exp pots
    No precast(including reactive armor, protection,magic reflect)
    No mounts

    Double elimination

    Points will be given for these events as well, I'll be giving away prizes I own/obtain by the end of the year( ethies,anniversary items, statues, 11th anniversary green spellbook, 11th anniversary sandals, dyed dragon or two, possibly a keep or two). The more you attend, the more points you get throughout the year, and the better you place in tournaments. It'll be like the anniversary prize room all over again! Except this prize room you have to play to win!

    Point system
    1st place 5 points
    2nd place 3 points
    3rd and 4th 2 points
    All other places 1 point
    PaddyOBrien likes this.

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