A typical event for a Braavosian Sealord

Discussion in 'Braavosian Sealords [XXX]' started by Dragkhar, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Here you all can see what we've been up to, keep coming back for updates.

    Vlar likes this.
  2. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Tiny B Cutler had clear orders, get out in the jungle and bring home more feathers, we're running low on arrows, Rackham had told him the night before.
    Rackham the Red was not a man to argue with but Tiny didn't feel that great when he woke up the following morning knowing what he had to do.
    He picked up his bow and headed out.

    Just outside his door a Lizardman had decided to camp over night and judging from the look on him he was still sleepy and didn't hear Tiny as he came out.
    Tiny decided to engage, "I'm sure Rackham won't complain if I at the same time stock up some more Spined leather" he thought as he laid aim with his first arrow.
    The Lizardman died quickly and Tiny cheered to himself, a master shot.
    Just then he realised the scorpion that were closing in from behind, he barely had time to kill it before it was too late.
    Tiny whipped his sweat from his fore head, the day certainly had started out quicker and warmer than he would have wished for.

    But his luck would smile at him again, two small birds just landed and started to pick at the dead Lizardman.
    Tiny stood there watching them for a few minutes, picking the dead lizards eye balls out before he ended the scenery with 2 quickly fired arrows.


    He collected the feathers and remembered he hadn't had breakfast this morning, "I will reward myself with an ale before I go out hunting" he thought to himself.

    The Pirate Bay Inn were empty except for another Lizardman who were trying to steal a keg of ale, "AHOY!" Tiny shouted.
    The Lizardman dropped the keg and darted for the patio, trying to escape over the fence, but Tiny was right behind him and as he leaped for freedom Tiny shot him to death.


    The day went smooth and late that afternoon Tiny had killed a crocodile and decided to grill it's meat for dinner along with a fish he managed to caught in one of the smaller ponds in the area.


    Next time he would go down to the docks to see if the other pirate band still were there or if they had left after the last humiliating defeat.....
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    Gideon Jura and Vlar like this.
  3. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    The great blockade.

    Rackham the red was not please with the rumors he heard, who dared to put up a blockade of ships at his shores, on his island?
    The local fisherman who brought the news to him stood trembeling in the corner watching Rackhams face turn red and his eyes went black and you could almst touch the rage in the room.

    After a while Rackham turned his gaze on the poor fisherman again, studying him with his piercing eyes of fire, and said in a deep voice full of anger.
    "So, mr. Big game hunter it is not good news you bring me and it's not even time for my morning drink yet. I shall have my revenge and it shall be ten folded and I want You to do the first investigation for me, a name like yours should have no problem with that, no?
    The fisherman, who actually were nothing but a fisherman stared on the floor and stammered "yes sir, I will do my best sir"
    "There is no doing your best, you WILL do what I tell you to do or I shall rename your silly whimp name to "Bilgerat Whimp"! Is that understood!?"
    "Yes sir, at your service sir"
    "Good, off you go and bring me news on how much these foul Sosarians have spoiled our waters with their blockade!"
    "ay ay captain"

    Big game hunter sailed off to bring back the information he was asked to do, not knowing how to do it but determied not to fail, who would want to be called Bilgerat Whimp?
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    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
    Gideon Jura, Vlar and Jupiter like this.
  4. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Rackham the red have installed a new defence at our retreat, check it out Arrrr

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  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I visited Onion island, the site of the pirates' great battle and noticed a greatly worn boat that looked to belong to the sea lords. If you're able you might want to swim out there.
  6. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Aye my friend, I have a quest to go and repair it this weekend.
  7. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Samuel Cutlass and Tiny B Cutler were out on their daily tour around the island, this time Rackham had made clear that they needed to keep the docks clear from those ruffians that called them selfs pirates until they accepted him as their leader.

    But it's tiering to fight a battle in an empty stomach so before they went down to the docks they decided to hunt down a lizardman to get a couple of sweet lizardman steaks to roast over the camp fire.
    Lizardman steak.png

    After dinner was done and the obligatory nap they went down to the docks.

    This particular day the docks were rarely empty and only a handful of ruffians could be found.

    After clearing it up and striping their victims from their cloths they decided to steal a ship from them, since they were poorly guarded.

    They boarded a small vessel and set course to Serpents hold, the closest settlement around these waters, to pay them selfs back a bit knowing that Rackham would never do it anyway.
    Their plan was to get drunk in a local tavern, known for being a meeting place for smugglers, pirates and cutthroats, and bring a couple of wrenches back to Prate bay.
    They landed at the western docks and snuck into the city unseen.
    Serpernt hold 1.png
    The local fisherman there was both numb and blind, little would he understand anyway.

    Wrenches were easy to find, as usual, in this ghetto town.
    After a couple of drinks the men had managed to persuade a couple of them to accompany them back to Pirate bay, promising gold and jewels.
    It was a mystery for Samuel that they never learned not to trust a pirate ...

    They also ran into a guard, in shiny armor, but the guard seemed to not see them, or maybe he was too proud to talk to people of the lower classes.
    He was a dumb paladin after all, a person who rather made his own hair than to help a citizen in need ...

    Serpent hold 2.png

    On their way back to the docks they ran into a poor homeless boy named Dellan who said he wanted to become a pirate and sail the seven seas.
    Tiny and Samuel decided to take him with them as well, they surely didn't have plans to let the boy sail with them as a pirate but they really needed someone to clean and cook for them.

    Jurney home.png

    Later that evening they docked safely back at the Pirate bay.
    But there was one problem, the sweet wrench Lindsey had been acting a little strange all journey and had tried to keep the pirates drunk.
    A pirate knows a trickster when they see one, at least when they are sober enough, and didn't let them self to get fooled by her.
    All the sudden Tiny got a hunch something was REALLY wrong here and took a quick peek under Lindsay's robe .... it was a man!!

    Keelhaul me backwards he swore, it's a filthy landlubbers male this one, all dressed up as a woman!

    Said and done, Lindsay lay dead on the deck and just to be on the safe side both Dellan and Baka had joined him.

    The both pirates needed to calm them self down, not because they had killed three innocent men or women or whatever they now were, but because they had been close to take home a man dressed like a woman in purpose to share his/hers bed..

    They quickly went to the bar in the inn to drink them self drunk again, for the second time that day, and they swore never to speak to anyone about this happening again, ever...

    Gideon Jura, Wise, Basoosh and 3 others like this.
  8. Samuel J Cutlass

    Samuel J Cutlass New Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Aye, twas a good day to be drinkin and seafarin!

    Bit of a skirmish with them bilge suckin dogs that call themselves pirates who it has now been made clear are workin fer the lords of Magincia in an attempt to curb our business in the waters east of Brittania.

    We be payin them magic usin landlubbers an overdue visit and be sendin some of them down to Davey Jones' locker.

    Bad bit o' mistakin identity with one o' them scallywags from Serpent's Hold. We had been out splicin the mainbrace when we happened upon some wenches which caught our deadlights. Begad our surprise when we discovered one be a man in women's guise. Imagine a gent dressin up as a lady proper, blimey to be sure, had me fooled until a peeks-a-boo revealed the ruse. Tiny, me mate had no choice but to send such an addled landlubber to feed the fishes.

    All ended well happy to say as we had plenty o' rum to wash the day's events down and seein as dead men tell no tales we were securin the fact that our lootin and murderin be a tale fer another day
    Dragkhar likes this.
  9. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Aya Mikhuq was boored, soo boooooored.
    There had been weeks since she had a visitor last time and the only one she had to speak to was the lone eremite on this god forsaken island.
    Even the Troll started to feel like a friend even though he n regular basis broke into the tower and smashed up the tables on the bottom floor, to dumb to learn how to walk around them, while he looked for something to eat.

    Aya needed to find something to do before she got mad so she decided to have a little competition for herself.
    she would stand on the tower roof and try to hit each and every one of the animals who lived here with her bow, including that dumb troll.

    Maybe if she killed them, she would also have some meat to eat, instead of that bloody fish she ate every day, she was sooo tired of fish for breakfast, fish for lunch and fish for dinner, hell fi she wanted a snack it was dried fish, screw that, time to get some meat!

    Aya started to shoot, and it was great fun!
    Especially to shoot on that big troll, he started to run around making funny noises every time he was hit unknowing from where the attacks came from, eventually he tried to hide behind a bush but as Aya stood high up he wasn't really hard to spot, and being a troll there's not many places to hide in.
    She hit him in the head and he was dead.

    The other animals wasn't so fun, they just died too quickly and before noon she had killed every living thing on the island.

    Hmm, maybe I over did this a bit, she thought to herself, now I'm really alone here, except for that damn eremite who barely say a word.

    Maybe I will shoot him as well one day when I get bored again...

    Brymstone, Wise and Jupiter like this.
  10. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Aye, tis be a story to get back to, them spell weavers shall not get away with tis lightly
  11. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Shipwright John put the last chair in it's place and Rackham the Red nodded approvingly.
    It had been a hard week, the pirates had been working tirelessly to finish the new guild hall Rackham had decided must be made.
    Lumbers had been cut and big trees had been cut down to make the large timbers needed for the construction.
    Most of the hard work in the forest had been divided between the pirates but since John were the only one knowledged in the art of woodcrafting he had been forced to overlook the entire process including the crafting of all the new house furnitures.
    Rackham had only been around to shout out some orders, complain that they worked too slowly or changed his mind about how he wanted things.
    But now, at last, everything was done and he had approved the result.

    The down stair area had been made into a dormitorium for pirates too drunk to get home after a wet evening at the Pirate Bay Inn next door.
    The upper floor held the meeting hall and a terrace from where Rackham could have full view over the bay.

    Shipwright John was happy he finally finished this job but he knew a new job lay ahead of him.
    A few days ago he had heard Rackham discuss plans to build a light house on the islands north tip and who would be better suited for this than John? No one, cause he was also the only stone mason around.
    Not that he complained, he just wanted a short vacation.

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    Samuel J Cutlass and Zugu like this.
  12. Samuel J Cutlass

    Samuel J Cutlass New Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I likes the cut of that man's jib. A fine hall ta be floppin down after a night o' drink and revelry!!

    Hoho, fine job man!!
    Dragkhar likes this.
  13. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    A pigeon arrived in the early morning with a note from Aya Mikhuq.
    Aya was stationed on Blanche island to watch over he narrow bay and the buried treasure there.
    Apparently she needed something.

    Rackham the Red unfolded the small note and read:

    "Arrows soon out and monsters lurking the front door every night.
    The bow also needs to be replaced since those troll skins seem a bit hard to penetrate.
    Please send me a few hundred arrows and a stronger bow for them"
    - Aya Mikhuq

    "John you swally bilgerat, wake up!!" He shouted as he climed down the stairs to the new dormatorium John just finished building and gave the man a kick in his rear end with his dirty boot.
    "Go to Big's hut and tell him to take you to Blanche island, Aya needs more arrows and a new bow"

    John woke up hard, it had been a late night with way too much rum, but Rackham was not a man to argue with so he hurried away towards the other side of the island to fetch Big, who probably have had a much more pleasant sleep and awakening.

    Big was already up and on his way down to the docks when John arrived.
    "Change of plans Big, we need to go to Blanche with some supplies for Aya, you will have to postpone your fishing trip"

    The two men went to the Pirate bay inn to eat a quick breakfast before they set sail.
    Breakfast for Big wasn't the usual egg and bacon, it was rum, so John had to cut him short, or they would be stuck here or get lost on their way.
    They went down to the ship and took off
    Just to be on the safe side John had brought a map with him, he didn't trust old Big and his navigation skills, drunk as he almost always were.
    The ship wasn't the fastest in Sosaria and time onboard seemed to go fast as John could swim, hardly at all.
    Not a living thing were to be seen either, a truly boring sail, but safe.
    at sea.png

    They passed Onion island and stopped a while to check if the ships anchored there still were in good shape, nothing seemed bad with them so they continued after half an hour.
    Finally they reached their destination and were welcomed by a committee of a troll and a headless body who seemed to smell their presence.
    John hurried off and went up to the house, little did he suspect Big would trick him, but of course he did, the drunken basterd.
    Eventually he managed to trick the troll and he could safely enter the tower to deliver the goods.
    He went back to the boat and they set sail back to Blanche island and the village of Pirate bay.


    It was already dark when they left Blanche island and even darker when they arrived home so John hurried back to the guild hall to get some sleep while Big had other plans.
    He needed a good rum before bed....

    Jupiter likes this.
  14. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Big was in the Pirate bay inn, as he was used to, only that this time he was bored, soooo boooored.
    Rackham had forbidden him to drink, in fact he had even told everyone else he was forbidden to drink, not even a drop.
    He even had made the bartender lock up all the bottles so he couldn't get to them.
    And all this cause of a small misunderstanding, a mere accident.

    Why was it so hard for their captain to understand that fishing were a lonely job and the only company you had were dead fishes and rum, every pirate loved rum and the lonely fishermen loved it the most.

    And just because he accidentally almost burnt the "Small bastard" down he was not automatically a problem, he certainly did NOT have a drinking problem.

    Rackham had punished him with no rum and he even had given the Small bastard to the new guy in town, Elfbough or however he pronounced his silly name, what a name is that anyway? He were probably an elvish bastard!

    And just because he had managed to save the sinking ship Rackham had given it to him, the ship was his, his precious!

    Big decided to go home, at least he had a fish on the wall to talk to and maybe he could process the lamp oil in some fashion to make it drinkable, but no, he did NOT have a drinking problem.

    As he turned around he noticed a bottle on the dice table ... hmm, I must see if someone left any drops in it for a poor soul as meself, he thought and went over to the table.


    The bottle were in fact almost full and Big found himself in a dilemma.
    Would he dare drink the rum or not, maybe Rackham would find out...

    I will toss a dice for it, he decided but to protect himself to be too tempted by the bottle of rum he went outside to toss his dices.


    He made a promise to himself that only if he scored a 7 he would drink, if not he would leave the bottle be and go home.


    Hmmm, it was a 8 ... well, it was close enough, and actually, he had good intentions, you can't just leave a bottle of rum around like that, a child or maybe a lizardman could come in and drink it up.
    Better i empty it before a greater accident occurs.....


    He emptied the bottle before any pirate could say "keelhaul" and soon he were more than tipsy, to say the least.
    The floor begun to dance with him and he could feel his legs give up after such a long dry period, almost 24h already.

    He took a step against the door in an attempt to return home but tripped.


    And dropped his lantern at his feet, directly on the dry carpet and the wooden boards.


    And of course, as he had been emptying the bottle so fast, he had also spilled rum on the floor.
    He realised a little too late that lamp oil, rum and fire were not the best of combination when it was poured over a carpet and dry wood.


    The carpet caught fire immediately and soon the fire spread up on his trousers burning his crown jewels, all while Big were jumping around screaming without a clue how to turn out the flames.

    Eventually, after a minute stamping the fire in the floor he fainted and fell.


    Luckily the fire went out before any harm had been done more than burning up most of his cloths and beard and leaving a big black mark in the carpet.
    His fat body had prevent more oxygen to be fed to the fire.


    While he lay there unconscious he dreamed he were sailing the seven seas on his precious, the Small bastard ... Rackham should see him now, he was a true captain over his vessel and knew all the tricks to get in and out of towns unnoticed ...

    ... Big woke up in pain swearing he would never drink again...
    Aeritas and Vlar like this.
  15. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  17. Elbowface

    Elbowface New Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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  18. Rex

    Rex Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Something wasn't quiet right on the island that morning. Captain sent us out to scout the island which quickly turned nasty when we found a treasurehunter takin our hard earned booty. Paddy O Brien tucked tail and recalled away quicker then you can say unfurl the sails. He left his worker, a man by the name of Hawkins, behind.
    After a short chase, we were able to take Hawkins down but we didn't plan on lettin him get away with his crimes that easy. We led him to the island jail cell.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    We questioned our prisoner thoroughly, leaving no stones unturned.
    After hours of interrogation we decided to let him go, under 1 condition. Bring us the head of the Oracle. Upon his release Hawkins dropped his disguise and revealed himself to be a master assassin. The perfect man fer the job.
    We decided to accompany the assassin to ascertain that he would accomplish the task given to him and not attempt fleeing us.
    A boat can only take ya so far. We hoofed it overland the final stretch, runnin into every tree between Trinidad and the Village of Paws.
    Our assassin dispatched and beheaded the oracle very quickly, as if he had done this sort of thing many many times before.
    And here the pirates of bald island proudly present our newest trophy.
    Dragkhar likes this.
  19. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Pirates 1 village of the landlubbers 0
  20. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Rackham the Red woke up early in the morning from a strange sound he didn't recognise.
    He had been living on this island for the last five years by now and knew the sound of every rock, tree, branch, leaf and wave in his heart.
    This was a different sound, nothing he heard before and it irritated him.

    He put his garbs on and headed out in the early morning light.
    The sound came from down the docks, where the ships were lined up, the water was somewhat calm but still he heard the slow and muffled sound from something hitting the hull of the Shallow rider.
    At the stern of the ship he found the item, it was a strange coloured bottle with a note attached to it.

    "Handle it with care
    Throw it in the air
    Aim it at the foe
    See them all go"
    Rackham studied the bottle for hours, trying to figure out what it was or what it did, one thing he was sure of he would not want to do with it was to throw it in the air.

    Samuel Cutlas came by in the afternoon together with Aya Mikhuq they wanted to discuss some serious matter with a fisherman who refused to pay his taxes.
    Rackham wanted to know more but first he went upstairs to get his notebook to write down who this fisherman was.
    When he came back down the two pirates were gone with the bottle.

    Just as Rackham were to put a curse on his own stupidity for leaving the bottle he heard a big loud bang from inside of the jungle, where the pirate camp were located.
    Hurriedly he ran out towards the location and found the two dumb pirates stand frozen as statued watching the entire pirate camp burn with a bright and strong fire, much stronger than a normal one.

    What in the seven seas have ye done! He roared at the two men.

    They had thrown the bottle at the fire pit in the middle of the camp and it had exploded and now the camp were more like a war zone than a camp.

    Fine lads, since ye be so smart and brave, now head over to Temple island and find the old alchemist, maybe he know what this bottle was and can tell you how to make me a new one, or a hundred of'em.
    And don't ye dare to come back empty handed, if ye do I will see that ye dance the hempen jig before dawn.
    The med hurriedly went down to the docks and set sail over to Temple island in search for the old fool called Archibald.

    The two pirates landed their ship at the newly build light house before they started to explore the island

    After some search they found the temple and as they approached its center the old man appeared from the shadows.
    The two pirates explained their situation to the old man.
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    The two men quickly entered the portal the old man had opened and found them self, as he had said, inside a ring of fire, hot fire.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Samuel took a deep breath and tried to dash through the fire pillar, he didn't come far, his flesh got burnt in a blink of an eye and he quickly garbed himself in a death robe.
    Aya who had seen the flaw in Samuels plan waited for a pause in the fire cascades and leaped over the lower flames before they picked up again.
    He snatched the book and leaped back and back into the portal Archibald had opened.
    Archibald held powerful knowledge indeed and managed to revive Samuel from his zombie like state and soon the two pirates were on their way again.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Archibald told them that only the mages in Buccaneers den held the knowledge on how to make oil cloth, so he sent them there to find out their secret
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    They quickly went back to their ship and set sail towards Buccaneers den to see the mages
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The mages weren't eager to hand over their secret book about oil cloth so the pirates needed to persuade them the pirate way.
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    To celebrate their "victory" they headed to the Buccaneers brothel to get something to drink and maybe a women or three to bring home but the news spread fast and they were met with reluctancy from the bartender and the waitresses.
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    To refuse a pirate his drink can be painful and sometimes lethal, hopefully the new staff at the brothel will learn from the old staffs mistake.

    The two pirates were happy and sailed home with their newly learned knowledge to bring good tidings to their captain.

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