Will be held Saturday 10-25-14 @ 9 pm pacific/11pm central/12 am eastern. Will be selling 5 spots for sure with a chance of one more if you would like to be on standby list. Players can take part in the event and won't be cockblocked to the bank only. Reply with irc name if you are certain you can make it. Thanks 1.) El Horno 2.) BelXavier 3.) Bubbius 4.) Gladiator 5.) Mandevu Standby List 1.) El Horno alt 2.) TomHonk 3.) Captain Morgan
1.) El Horno 2.) BelXavier 3.) Bubbius 4.) Gladiator 5.) Mandevu Standby List 1.) El Horno alt 2.) TomHonk 3.) Captain Morgan
Beware of this guy, he advertised in IRC selling 30 holiday coins. When I went to meet him in game and asked him to trade over a table to prevent stealing his coins back. He said i was wasting his time and told me "Im done with you." When i confronted him in IRC in public he immediatly logged out of IRC. He came back 5min later to redeem his IRC/forum scam. Just a little heads up! Good luck on your quest Var