Selling the small marble located directly at the Minoc Moongate. This house gets a ton of traffic and would make a great vendor house. The placement of the small tower allows for interesting Z-axis tricks right at the moongate, for example the 2 vendors shown in the picture. s/b 500k b/o 1.3 million plat @6k Hcoin@4 Ends 48 hours after last bid.
Thanks for your opinion! The trinsic moongate house sold for 500k and gets MUCH less foot traffic so I suppose I will trust precedence over your option this time.
I was super into that Trinsic moongate house when I first joined UOR and tried to buy it privately from Barak. My offer sadly was declined. These houses rarely come up on the market.
I dont know about polar bear fur currencies (especially considering bag #17), but I will offer 650k in cash & plat @ 6k.