Hi guys, OtHer question for you!! Actually which is the best PVM template ?? I want to create a bard as 2 player. Which skill and stat i need ? There is a guide with some Advice ?? Thanks!
http://uorforum.com/threads/one-guide-to-rule-them-all-one-guide-to-find-them.682/ http://uorforum.com/threads/the-peacemaking-dexxer-and-you-a-guide.2897/ Top link is the master guide. Bottom link is my guide to a bard/dexxer. My advice to you is to start a tamer. If taming is not your thing, like it wasn't mine for over a year, then you can venture down the peace dexxer route. You could also look into the mage/bard: Mage Med Eval Music Disco Peace Provo Or any variation thereof. I like discord, a lot, it reduces your target's stats/skills by 20%. Peacemaking and Provoke are self explanatory. Good Luck!
He would probably suggest a bard tamer: Taming Animal Lore Veterinary Magery Meditation Musicianship Disco or Provo The pure bard template is pretty fun, though.
Gideon is mostly right. They are all useful in different situations. What I will say is this: I played dexxers only for over a year and i was very successful with them and farmed the majority of my wealth with them. However, I have a tamer now. I find playing the tamer to be more flexible and easier than a dexxer. Keep in mind that with how bonding slots work now that tamers are pretty much zero risk. With a dexxer you generally need a slayer weapons to compete and then you run the risk of losing a costly slayer.
So probably after your replies, the best that i can do is this template... Even if i think disc and provoc are pretty nice
If by "best" you mean maximal gold earned per minute then yes. You may very well have more fun playing something else. There are downsides to playing a tamer. If truly "zero risk" is what you're after the pure bard might be better for you. Just going about your business with pets will always open you up to extra grief. It's easy to avoid by just playing some other template. People will also probably harbor a little more ill-will towards you for being a tamer. . . even players with their own tamers. If you're sensitive to people insulting the way you play the game or using it as excuse for making your time less enjoyable then maybe the tamer's not the way to go. I'm not sure how tamer's remain among the most maligned classes in the game when almost everyone plays one. . . Tradition, I guess.
I have a tamer and the only reason I hate tamers is because I feel that I'm being forced into playing one. I can't kill any of the bosses on a dexxer, not happening. I require a slayer weapon that's close to impossible to find unless it's silver. I could go on but this isn't the thread for it. A pure mage/bard was what I started this server with as well and it's what I farmed my first 2M with to get and place my fort. They are pretty flexible but, again, you're not going to find it easy if at all possible to kill any bosses. Some mobs require slayer instruments which can be costly as well. I will still recommend a tamer, upon death you lose your regs/armor and if your pets die then it's like 4% of their skills. Training pets isn't tough at all and something you can set up afk while you sleep at night.
My favorite template to PVM with is a med warrior. Fencing/Macing/Swords = 100 Anatomy = 100 Tactics = 100 Healing = 100 Resisting Spells = 100 Magery = 100 Meditation = 100 With a silver weapon, this temp is the ultimate Lich slayer. If you have any experience in PVP, you can also survive a Pk encounter VERY easily with this temp.
bard/mages are pretty fun. It was the first character I created upon arrival. I have done so many times. They are relatively easy,you just have to manage threat assessment. Enjoy the shard.
Think this would do well with archery? Also You're calling this a med warrior..I ran one of these before med and used parrying and we called it a tank mage.
Archery would also be good I guess. I haven't really used archery on this server yet... might try soon On all the servers I have played before here this template was called a "Med-Warrior", but idk maybe it used to be the "Tank-Mage"? Totally forgot the stats! Str = 100 (Must to live as long as possible) Dex = 80 (Use a blue pot as often as possible in fights) Int = 45 (You can cast just about any spell you NEED with 45 mana)
yeah very similar templates… The tank Mage was what I ran before meditation was added. I think meditation was added with T2A. Lots of guys wanted a mana potion like diablo had. The meditation was a good compromise I think. Anyway Im building a Med Warrior now based on your template. I have never had a fencer so this should be fun.. Next will be a Parry/Macer
Awesome, I was only two when the game came out, so forgive me for not remembering that far back ;P I'm happy I could help. Good luck!
When using a bard/mage do you summon things to help finish off targets? I've never played such a template and that would seem to me the shortest TTK. I don't know though so please correct me if not