So, more or less I totally think Brewing and/or distilling should be on the todo list. Allow cooks of high skill to be able to have a different tool or even house addon that allows them to brew/distill alcohol from various ingredients. Comes in kegs whick can be "Activated" to produce bottles. Maybe add a few new booze types and also the ability to apply a custom label during production, OSI has attempted a distilling system as such, but I think we could probably do them one better with what we have: The fine orcish grog and glorious Dwarven Black Lable Spirits must be brewed by expert hands for all to envy!
Interesting idea however there is a long list of To Dos Tela posted them recently, such as Carp BODs My overall thought on new things is how much bang (new, immersive content) do you get for your buck (time spent coding)
But what would the booze do? As of right now food has a mild affect at best and alcohol definitely has no effect.
Get you drunk. For those who want content exclusively focused on enhancing wealth or combat this wouldn't be on your list. For player towns, RPers, and various guilds the ability to produce your own booze and even label it as your own brand is an appeal. Orcs for instance may want their own brands rather than buying from a "ummie" tavern when they have some sort of gathering. Dwarves like myself are RPing alcoholic midgets with beards-and who would be proud of having their own booze brands they could say is better than anything other species could dream of. Player towns may want to have their own brew for caravan events or just house decos of the wine cellar variety alongside flavor.
I think there'd be one really easy addition that wouldn't harm anything. Make GM booze have no stamina or mana penalty! That way, you could drink it constantly if you wanted to.