Before i setup my macros i'd like to know if this template is viable here (only for pvm): archery\tact\anat 100 healing 90 music\provo 100 magery 70 medit 40 i don't know if this is the right forum section to ask this sorts of things TY
I was not a big fan of the archer provoker build because the archery damage output was not enough without slayer bows to take down casting mobs after they killed their provo target... You can use 70 magery to throw down Blade Spirits to summon non casting mobs onto but casters will dispel them. Also look into Discordance or Enticing (same skill) as it gives a bonus to your provoking success at GM. A mage bard will potentially be more successful as you can easily incorporate Discordance in the build. Magery/Meditation/Eval Int/Music/Discordance/Provoking/ + 1 more. You could throw Resist in there for survival or Inscription for defensive spell bonuses or even peacemaking so you can make the mob that kills its target to wait around till the next one spawns. Best of luck EDIT: Don't forget (I did) that the archer/provoker isn't really supposed to be taking damage. You can actually do away bandage healing and anatomy and mage heal. Or just Healing if you want the anatomy damage bonus.
I love my provo archer. I'd drop med and healing and GM Magery. The biggest issue with archers, for me, is arrow availability. I don't mind a the damage being a bit lower, with GM imagery you get blade spirits, summon spells, etc. Just know there will be feather harvesting days! Lore
I really don't like pure mages, i always played Archer/Bard for pvm and macer/alchy for pvp :/ If i drop medit + healing i can easily rise up magery to GM and also discordance to GM. So i'll have: Archery/tact/anat 100 Magery 100 Music/provo/discord 100 I don't know if it works D:
I like the above build. If I were making an archer provoker today that is the build I would use. As Lore mentioned you get a lot of options with GM Magery and Discord will really help in taking down mobs. Remember that it will also reduce the target's skills. So always keep discord on your target mob (the one you want dead) and keep it off your tank mob. If you discord your tank mob he will do less damage and you will use more arrows. The 5% bonus is passive. Discord doesn't have to be active on a target for it to apply. Make a getaway macro (cast recall + target a rune) so you can get out with the touch of a button if you see PKs and you should be good.
I don't get this part, there are no runebooks here in which i can put runes and recall directly from it?
They are not blessed. They can be but it costs quite a bit. If you want to make a new runebook every time you get PKed by all means carry one on you. I generally leave my runebook wherever I drop off loot and carry a rune with me to that location when I farm.
You are very welcome. Do some reading before you make your PvP character as well. No Alchemy bonus to Explosion Pots so no point to have that in the build. GM Mgery and GM Inscription may be the way to go on a dexer in these mechanics because Magic Reflect will then reflect a larger circle of spells.
I run this Sword Anat Tactics Music Provoke Magery Med And it's very effective. Magery and med are maybe a waste because I don't use them often but they do come in handy. I don't see an appeal of archery with bard because range is useless. Once I provoke the monsters be that dragons daemons barons etc. It's just as easy for me to swing at their backs then it is to use bow. I don't have to worry about ammo or standing still to swing/hit and slayers arent super rare to come by. Dps is very high with a slayer Halberd .. heck I have a few nice super slayer katanas and cutlass that are very effective as well especially at champ spawns with fast swing speed for less delay between switching targets and hitting next one. Your build looks fun but I do want to add archery will not pose a benefit in that build over say mace fencing etc.
I like this and going to give it a try also. How are you doing with your build? Stats wise, I'll try 100 Str 75 Int and 50 Dex + AGI pots. Does the swing speed work on multiples 30 here?
I can't attest for swing speed on multiples of 30 but that dex seems rather low. I run 90 str 85 dex 50 in Or 85 str 90 dex 50 int.. can't remember and would have to check.. I use pots and cast bless/agile your dps is only as good as your dex level
I found the following template to be very effective in the Christmas scrolls, obviously you can swap out macing for archery: Magery Macing Tactics Anatomy Healing Music Provo 100 STR / 100 DEX / 25 INT I think Discord and Provocation are kind of superfluous. Do you really want the monsters to hit each other more slowly and for less damage thanks to Disco? Heck no. Let them beat on each other at full strength. Magery is of course useful for recalling around and such, but also for Magic Reflect, curing without wasting a potion, Reactive Armor, Teleport, Paralyze Field, etc. So many things you can do with it. You want max DEX for the fastest possible bandages and of course swing speed.
You don't want 90 healing. Your bandages straight fail here way too often at that level. If you're going to 8 skill I'd look to reduce anatomy before healing, particularly with archery (lack of special hit), but I'd just use Dalavar's template with a different melee skill. Dalavar, Do you really want the monsters to hit each other more slowly and for less damage thanks to Disco stamina drain? Not as significant as disco, but I don't get it.
The thing is I already have a toon similar to @Dalavar's build - peace over provo - and I like it a lot. Just want something slightly different for guild group hunts that has crowd control and range attack abilities. Thanks for the input all.
I LOVE my provo archer! Template is like this Archery gm tactics gm anatomy gm healing gm music gm provo gm magery gm stats str 90 dex 95 int 40 I keep the int at 40 for two reasons. Gate and Mindblast hurts less. This character is a great all around character. I don't think there is a better support character out there when running in a group. I can run around and throw heals on the warriors and provo the mobs and still deal quite a bit of damage with a nice bow. Also I can clear 40k an hour if I try 30k just screwing around. I know thats not a lot compared to a tamer though. I have been itching to do a champ spawn with this guy but real life and lack of knowing people who do champs as stopped that.