You sure you have enough money? After I saw you picking up all those mid-range items I dropped in Occlo for new players, I figured you were super poor.
.... you must be mistaken young lady i enjoy the fact that all i use this forum for is to buy and or make an attempt to sell, not flame people. i have been on this shard for a long enough period of time to notice you enjoy drama like a 13 year old girl who just got her first menstrual cycle. I play nice here and expect the same in return. and just so u are clear i dont pick up things in occolo. infact i unload all my force and powers, becuase they drop like hot cakes on this shard
Well, if it was that other guy named Deuce with the 1359 mask on his face that picked up all the free things I announced about in IRC seconds after I did so...I'm sorry. If there's only one character named Deuce that shamelessly and immediately scavenged bags of gear from the ground at Occlo.....I guess my opinion stands. While I appreciate your ability to identify my enjoyment of conversation, however you choose to describe it, lying does not do anyone any favors. Just in case we've strayed off topic, I will sell you my 1359 sandals for 100,000 platinum.