Funny thread - What are some of your biggest UO "noob" moments starting out?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by PaddyOBrien, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Dimas

    Dimas Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I had been playing on Napa and had finally earned enough money to buy my first ship. My friend was over as I was being chased by a thief trying to steal my key. I had to walk away for a few and left my friend with directions not to let that guy get it.... you can guess what happened to it :(
    Hadrian, Vlar and newme like this.
  2. Milkman

    Milkman Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Did the same thing. No trammel at that time though. Tried to reason with them. Got on icq, called in a posse, got laughed at.

    I thought it was a little weird that reds were walking around like Michael Meyers, dressed like nobles.
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  3. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Oh man, my first few months were just terrible. I think I started playing a year after UO came out, so I had no clue what to do. Not a lot of info online about it, none of my friends played, I had never played any of the regular UO games and all the RPG I was doing were the JRPGs. So yeah, it was ridiculous how bad I was for months.

    One of my first memories was, first, having no idea what skills or stats to choose while making my first character. So I get in and didnt know how to make gold, like, at all. I was one of those guys who would beg other players for any gold they could spare. I recall one guy gave me 2k and I was thinking I was sooooo rich now.

    I can recall having my 700 skill points just all over the place, nothing was above 60, cause I was like "Imma be pretty good at everything and be so versatile!!"
    I often was killed by forest creatures.

    Then one time some dude stole the key to a house that I and a friend had bought and has just placed 10 seconds before, and we tried to save face and claimed we had stolen that key from someone else and it wasn't even our house.

    For the longest time I didnt know how macros worked, so did everything by clicking and targeting and pointing. Spells, cutting stuff up, like, everything.

    Finally someone took me under their wing and taught me about this world and the game and I finally placed my first small house out near Compassion. I ended up joining this guys guild and rose up to be 2nd in command of GNN on Napa. The guy who took my under his wing was a player named Sir Ragnar.

    And then.....I fell into dark times. Way...way down.... I got into PKing and scamming other players and stealing from minners.

    There were two just amazing scams I was taught way back when the mechanics of the game were different.
    One was a way to dupe someone into attacking you in town, by way of smooth talking, and transferring pets and the qued commands that were still in the system when the transfer when through. If I really think I am sure I can remember how it was done. LOTS of rage from players on that one, but amazing loot.
    Another one was a scam where you would get a player to give you a down payment for a house, a placed house that you were going to sell but actually wasnt yours. Lots of specific things to say to the mark in order for them for forward the cash. So when that worked, and it didnt work every time, I would make 20k per mark.

    But now I fly by different colors, as I hope you all know!! But fun to reminisce.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
    Hadrian, The Musician, Vlar and 6 others like this.
  4. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I started OSI UO not long after the Beta, at that time grizzly bears were red and all but Dread Lords red players could come to town.

    Times were so different back than, but.... I believed in the Rep system... good is is evil... So you can imagine how let down
    I felt when that fantastic. brave, heroic Glorious Lord's Alt, was a file Red Dread Lord. That's how I learned the rep system went by
    characters, not the entire account. lol

    Awesome times though :)

  5. Mordechai

    Mordechai Active Member

    Nov 24, 2014
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    There were a series of events that started out with trolls invading Vesper or something and it eventually culminated in Minax and a lich lord (Jou'nar?) invading Trinsic. I was a young kid at the time and I thought that these events were pretty stupid, so I started griefing people by killing them and their pets and looting quest items to sell.

    I finally made the mistake of talking trash to a seer (and then a game master who showed up shortly afterwards) and they eventually lost it and threw me in jail for a pretty long time. The worst part about it is that I thought I was picking a fight with just another player and I wasn't aware of what the purple hue with that seer's name meant.
    Hadrian, Ragar, The Musician and 7 others like this.
  6. Cheech

    Cheech New Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    I was lucky enough to have a friend show me the ropes but was playing one day without him, was running through the woods and came across a bunch of chests, boxes, paintings, rugs.... all kinds of good stuff just laying on the ground. I was like WOW SCORE, who would just dump all this stuff off here. couldn't recall or anything at the time so I loaded myself up and ran back and forth to my friends house about 20-30 times with all my new loot. I put everything I just found in the boxes and chests that i had found and set them on the floor in the house. my friend shows up and of course I have to tell him about it. We log on, go to the house and its all gone. I was like WTF!!! Then he tells me about how houses work and locking things down and how IDOCS work and what happens to them. 2 days into the game I had found a house that fell, had rares that I never seen before and everything I would need to build up my chars without having to spend gold and probably then some. lost it all due to being newb. I can remember some of the stuff and I bet I had millions in gold worth of stuff. Its probably best I lost it all, that way I actually had to play the game instead of having it handed to me. I was the richest newb around for about an hour or so.
    Black Tortoise, Hadrian, Vlar and 3 others like this.
  7. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    ^Ouch! That would have been a nice haul!
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  8. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
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  9. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Children, what did you learn today? No begging and pleading will melt a billionaire's heart. :eek:
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  10. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
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  11. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I remember macroing up provocation at the hedge maze of all places. I made the macro in game and would stack a roll of quarters on the hotkey to "loop".
    The hedge maze is much less friendly than I remember. This place used to be filled with animals!

    For the first year of me playing UO I would create a new character every time I logged in practically, on new servers too. I would meander about until I eventually died and re rolled.
    Hadrian and newme like this.
  12. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Alright, alright. *sends application form for 5D to Gideon*
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  13. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    When house placement was re-enabled early on, it had been planned to go live when the server came back up. Having stayed up all night, I had a spot in mind and had my small tower deed ready.

    When the server came up, I rushed to my spot (Vesper, in Felucca, right along the road next to the south most bridge) and find a couple people standing in front of the spot not doing anything. Heart pounding like a jack hammer, I place the house right in front of them and rush inside, feeling ecstatic. The folks out front were not happy at all. Apparently I had placed a home in a somewhat heavy PVP zone...

    This was when the small tower had been first implemented, and had bugged front doors. The door could not be locked - even though it said it was locked, anyone could walk right in. Those guys brought monster after monster through my front door and then recalled out. This went on for what felt like ages. I tried to place tables all around the house but the monsters would break right through them. They would also wait inside and ambush me quite frequently.

    I did not know about lockdowns or any housing security that would help me and ended up not using my new home for quite some time until their anger subsided a bit and they patched the locks on small towers. :)
  14. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Hahaha luring monsters was always good for a laugh. Especially being a noob in Despise when some jackass was dragging 30 Ettins and earth elementals behind them.
    newme likes this.
  15. Pegbyter

    Pegbyter Active Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    I have a funny noob memory when I was on Atlantic... My first time logging in ever... I tried going after a deer just outside of Moonglow. He whacked me fairly efficiently. But the real rub was that I didn't realize that your char name was shown on your corpse. So I ran into town looking for a healer. When I went back down to my corpse to retrieve my items (not realizing I didn't have any to begin with), a few people were standing around it trying to figure out what happened. One of them said to me, "What Happened"??? And me, thinking that they couldn't possibly know it was my corpse; stood there like a dumbass announcing "He was killed by a deer, I don't know what possessed him to do that; what an idiot!"... They said, "Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?"... I finally clicked on my corpse and realized that they knew it was me all along trying to pass it off as if though I was a bystander watching someone else getting killed... Once It dawned on me I was so embarrassed I was like, "Uhhh", then I ran away...
    Hadrian, Artex, newme and 5 others like this.
  16. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    A random noob moment I remembered today. On Atlantic I was running from Britain to the moongate and stumbled across a gathering in the clearing (where here on UOR we have the dueling pit) that was reserved for special events on OSI. There was an in-game wedding going on between two players, officiated by a gm. Being the immature 19yr old I was back then, I proceeded to act like a complete jackass. Knowing me, I was probably stark naked and running around dancing and acting like a buffoon. I was then sent a private message by the officiating GM in the nicest way possible, that pretty much said stop being an ass or I was going to be hauled off to the slammer. Of course I stopped my shenanigans, embarrassed by the scolding, and said "I like your clothes".

    Another time I stumbled across another married couples', erm, wedding night when ghosting around the area near Despise. I watched as a ghost as stuff started to get a little frisky between the two of them... then all of a sudden I found myself booted to the doorstep, banned before anything too kinky started to happen. Of course I ran around the house in circles, enraged that I was booted. At that point in time, there was no way to ban a ghost.... and I didn't show at all. The story became more funny when I realized a GM was probably there, watching it too :D
  17. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    My real-life friends got me into the game in 2000-ish so I had literally no previous knowledge of it whatsoever. During my first day or two I was walking to town from my buddies house located just outside Brit when a lizardman aggro'd me. I ran for my life but determined I was too slow to evade this monster on foot so I logged out (in the middle of the woods... 2 tiles from the lizardman...) thinking I would vanish safely. Apparently that's not how things work...
    Hadrian, Codus, Bastian and 4 others like this.
  18. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Mine is similar to Tuco's but worse!

    I was warned of the Reds and all the horrors of Fel as well.

    I was lumberjacking with a packy, when a Red name appeared on my screen.. Teryn or something similar..
    Teryn swiftly attacked my Packy as I frantically tried to call him back with my new 1 month old typing skills.
    "alk dollowe me" was'nt working so I ran to his aid and attempted to heal his wounds with my multitude of 30ish skills and Attacked this "asshat" hunter of newb players!
    I was filled with emotion as I saw my Packy full of hard chopped wood fall to the ground, and soon after my screen fell gray...
    I sat there a few mins etching his name in my mind...ran till I found a Healer and wandered around awhile till i stumbled on Vesper by chance.
    Remembering all my Red Player warnings and talk of taking heads and Bounties that could be put on Evil Bastages such as Teryn! I found my way to the Bank in Vesper and Posted a "Bounty" or so I thought on the Message Board at the Bank.(I dont even think it was a bounty board)
    *Post Message- I put a 500 gold Bounty on Teryn the Murder! of Horses and Newbs and thought.. he will get his!
    When I told my Brother who started me on UO my days story, i was informed of what a freakin Noobert I really was, and he never let me live it down! still gets brought up to this day when we talk of UO..
    Hadrian, newme, Oni Neaufire and 2 others like this.
  19. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I made my first and what I considered only character I ever needed on osi.... a bard, parry, swords, mage! I could do everything I needed on one character. My friend started playing UO when it launched. She was showing me how cool it was, so about a month later, she buys me the game to play and Daphne was made. I was pretty badass at the cemetery in brit working my skills. Then a couple weeks later my friends were like let's go on an adventure and take you away from Brit. She's been playing a month longer, she even was in a guild! I was confident she knew everything...

    We were told of this idoc at the yew lich spawn. Lich's were like so crazy back then and the location was sweet. So with everyone else on the server at the idoc, it was a giant camp out for it. The time was getting close dropping, we had a discussion about killing players there, so we would have a better chance at placing. It was unclear about the murder count rules, so it was understood that you can kill people and you would only have 40 hours to work it off by the group I was with... ya..... so I was confident they knew their stuff.
    So some of us went on a killing spree a bit more than others that night. Yes, I did kill people. I find out afterwards it was 40 for each kill I had, and there was quite a bit. I did actually play her to blue one day and I never died, felt like forever. I ended up changing the entire template. I also created another character at that time and it then became my new main character which was Xegugg.
  20. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    ...and then he did this.

    Circa 1998~ Chesapeake

    Spent a very hard earned 5k on a 'full' spellbook at the bank. Before I even realized it was empty... the guy laughed in my face, teleported to a tiny bit of land besides the outer wall of Lord British's castle and proceeded to insult me.

    Welcome to UO. :D
    Hadrian, The Watch, BlackEye and 5 others like this.

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