UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master

    Feb 1, 2013
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    I work 12 hour shifts and had lots of home paper work to sort, sorry for the delay thread moved
  2. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Thank you very much, Samorite!
    MikeK and Samorite like this.
  3. Dimas

    Dimas Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    This journey began with me evading a band of P'S members who believed me to be the culprit behind their stolen AMIB (I'll let BlackEye explain that one ;)). After evading the hounds in Minoc, I got to checking a few doors by the stables. I discovered to my delight a marble workshop with an unattended owner inside and an unlocked door! Making my way through the house I was able to gather up 65 wands, a few plans for ships, t-maps, various vanq/power weps, some nice slayer instruments, and a few hundred of each reagent. Content with my haul, I proceeded to drag my spoils to the bank.
  4. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Hard to keep pace with storytelling. So.Much.Marks! Its so great that the shard is so lively. And Dimas' hint in the post before will be unravelled here, too.

    Several days ago, I found out that a champ was going on. Actually I was searching for mushrooms for some rare-soup, but got lucky. Naturally I checked the source of the unusual loud noise out and what did I find? Blues and Reds working on poor Neira! Hand in hand! Everybody knows that Reds are bad, so stealing from them is a good thing, right? That's exactly what I did, my good deed of the day.


    A little bit later, I saw the famous ArchTamer squad working the undead spawn for another round. And what shiny weapons they had in their hands. I followed them half an hour, waiting for my time to grab a crossbow... got my chance... and somehow fumbled with my 'last target'. It was obviously not set properly on the so much desired weapon. Well, the result can be seen.


    Another day started with stalking Bertie Wooster. I got away with 1 plat and 80 hides laying around. Too bad, I later missed a chance to steal another one from a wyvern monarch kill. Next time, Bertie!


    The following one is really neat. While hanging out in the Moonglow Bank undisguised and sorting my bank chest, the famous Lord Krake and 2 followers passed me. Natural instincts kicked in and I immeadiately followed them to the Moongate. I checked and tracked all possible destinations, but couldn't find the group. Next thing to try: the PS guildhouse. And yes indeed, Lord Krake had 5 PS Initiates gathered around him and were explaining how to proceed an AMIB event. 'Boys, this one will be tougher than the last one!' 'But we are big man and look at my cool Hally, we will certainly kick some Pirate Ass!' 'A-UH A-UH A-UH', the initiates growled (they probably watched too much "300").

    'Now, lets get in the house and do some warming up until our sexy guild chick arrives to join the party'. I was alarmed. First, I didn't want to observe 5 squires plus Krake partying it all out before hitting the AMIB. I probably would have to listen to very long monologues and some more gibberish of the kind of 'do you remember when we did the last amib'...

    And second, more important, I was banned from the guildhouse which is unjust and unprovoked! Their bouncer mixed me up with somebody else and banned me from this fine house. Anyway, I had to react fast. *snoop*snoop depper*find the AMIB scroll* I thought to myself, 'now or never', who cares if its in front of 6 people. Fast steal, fast run on my feet, invis cast, stealth away. It went smooooooth and the Initiates learned a lesson: prepare your Wis Quas hotkeys for the next time. And there is always a next time.


    And finally, I woke up early morning in Europe for the harrowers today. Missed all but the last one. Positioned myself beside the famous Pax Romain (and several others). But he was careful enough to cast invis on himself, so I had to switch to Erza. Sorry, Babe, but I will invest your 20 plats well-thought-out! Promise.

    Last edited: May 24, 2015
  5. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Bout time I posted something in here! I was wandering around the Minoc area providing an independent security audit of the neighborhood. Someone left their door unlocked! More's the pity... lvl 4/5 Tmaps, 2500 arrows, 2500 bolts, a slew of vanq/power weapons, a slayer weapon or two, wands galore, and a big old pile of slayer instruments.

    The right kinda love on a Sunday morning!

    Tuco Ramirez_5-24_13.23.jpg

    Thank you for your donation, "forgot-to-lock-the-door" guy!
    Random, Swizzlesticks, Dimas and 3 others like this.
  6. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    So it was you afterall Blackeye.

    I thought you might remember my kindness at the easter event, but well.. thiefes arent going to change, right?

    Here, have a picture of me eating a salty cake:

    Canis, Invoker, Random and 3 others like this.
  7. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I definitely remember the bite of your hally. :mad: However, tbh, I had an uneasy feeling hitting your plats... for roughly half a second. :D
    Erza Scarlet and Jupiter like this.
  8. Colt

    Colt New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    Oh look, I'm famous! *Enjoys the one minute of fame
    Milkman, BlackEye and Dimas like this.
  9. Milkman

    Milkman Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Colt- for your additional 14 minutes, please contact your local 5D wealth relocation technician.
    BlackEye, Tuco and Colt like this.
  10. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Operators are standing by!!
    BlackEye and Milkman like this.
  11. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Got some spare time last few days !




    Think Rufus carried way too much booze...Wait it's 15-20 MIB !
    Tuco, garvey and BlackEye like this.
  12. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Was walking around aimlessly when I found this house that looked like a mess.

    Decided to take a look closer and noticed it was occupied by a vile murderer that slaughtered me for no reason some time ago.

    Upon looking closer I noticed a secret entrance !


    This is what I heard when I moved the writing table :

    There was not many valuables but still helped out in cleaning the mess a bit.

    sand2.png sand1.png
    Invoker, Zyler, Heretic and 5 others like this.
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I love the Zelda sound fx. I totally heard that in my head when I read this!
    BlackEye, Random, Zyler and 2 others like this.
  14. Dimas

    Dimas Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    As I was making my rounds last night, I came across a familiar name while Tracking in Skara. To my delight, VonyVoom and his pack llama were asleep outside of the smithy shop. Upon my initial search, I was excited to spot 2 X Exceptional Agapite War Forks! I continued onto the Pack Llama and soon discovered an odd green hued short spear. Having only heard of a verite spear through old folk lore, I decided that I needed such a weapon and proceeded to take it as well. Lastly, before vanishing with this beautiful haul, I thought it only fitting to take the remaining Supremely Accurate Indestructible Kryss of Power (Poisoned) and the Supremely Accurate Fortified Short Spear of Power.
    MikeK, Milkman, Tuco and 2 others like this.
  15. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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  16. Swizzlesticks

    Swizzlesticks Active Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    That's one hell of a haul Dimas. No wonder I never get anything stolen, I don't have the good loots like that..lol.
  17. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Your UO have a water-paper vintage look, i like it.
    Dimas and BlackEye like this.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  19. Dimas

    Dimas Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Hahah yeahh my game doesn't actually look like that. I'm not the most computer savvy but it only happens when I use Razor screenshots.
  20. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Two harrowers have been dealt with today. A good time to stop decoing and to get out on the field.

    First idea: I always wanted a Lord Oaks skull in my collection. Heading to the get star room, hiding and waiting.


    Suffice to say, it didn't end good for me... the toons of the Harrowers host The Musician entered the scene together with a bunch of mindless zombie-like bodyguards all eager to fry an innocent bystander in the starroom at the first sight.

    Well, at least I lost my perma-grey and was ready to do it the classical way: Enter the Harrower slaughter, act like one of the Harrower haters and prepare for a spectacular 20 plat steal (vet players prefered).

    Covetous, harpy room, there they were, THE MOB:


    Dalavar Tankmage draw my attention. He didn't seem to be moving that much and was definitely going to get 20 plats. Fast re-positioning, giving his bags a little massage with my fingers, waiting for the Harrower to drop, and... steal of 20 plats! Smooooth.


    And my cover wasn't blown in IRC. Nobody was expecting good old BlackEye, hooray. Ready to tackle the 2nd Harrower and with 20 plats already cashed in it was time to go for HARD MODE: Do a double-steal in order to get 40 plats.

    THE MOB met at the 2nd harrower.


    Before getting to the true harrower, an opportunity for some minor steals appeared:


    Seeing all the tentacles drop, it was time to position myself in the crowd: this time aiming for Theo and his toons.


    Tension increased, the life bar of the true harrower dropped. Snoop, snoop, getting ready to steal (pre-activation of the steal skill), the harrower drops, plats appear in several open bags, steal and success! Use of my ultrafast reflexes enhanced by energy drinks (direct re-activation of steal skill), 2nd steal, success! Casting invis and getting away through one of the open gates was tricky amidst all the greyish-thief haters, but still worked out well.


    Looking at my glorious loot, I realized that I 'only' got 31 plats. One of the steals wasn't completely succesful! Screw the RNG generator!

    Still a very good day for thieves and nothing to complain about. *pumps fist and returns to the never finishing labor of decorating )

    PS: Dimas was also very active and got 40 plats, too. Good job, buddy. ;)
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
    Invoker, MikeK, Heretic and 5 others like this.

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