Taking offers for my fortress and/or keep. I may or may not sell them it. The fortress and keep are is located in the Bloody Plains which is northeast of Britain and east of the Desert of Compassion. I placed both of them and have had them for a while now. The keep was placed where a tower used to be and the fortress was placed where a keep and large patio were. Fortress sold for 5mil Keep sold for 1.5mil or maybe I made the whole thing up
Together or separately, but I may give a discount if someone would like to buy both of them. I have also been recommended to put the fortress up for auction with no buyout.
Not really concerned with who, but how much would be nice to know. The housing market hasn't seen to many forts lately so it would be a good piece of data for the public to have.
This had all the makings of something unusual starting with: hey guys I may want to sell something I'm not really sure but go ahead and offer me something anyways, and I won't really say how much I want. Then its suddenly "bought" and I'd say the supposed purchasing party operates under a few other nicks such as Bestial. Selling something in this fashion isn't against the rules (nor should it be), it just comes off a bit suspect.
I've bought multiple things from Bestial and he's always been great to deal with for me. He even re-deeded a tower and put a smaller house in the spot for me once because I couldn't afford to buy the tower at that point. I don't know him beyond that but just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
I bought it for 5m, same amount I disclosed in this thread. If you want a conspiracy theory that makes sense, I would guess Zugu doesn't see himself playing anytime soon and in the chance he might return some day, intends to come back to a brimming bank account... and that he took two solid offers for his keep and fortress to minimize the BS involved in running auctions.
Zugu has been saying for some time that he was going to get rid of his houses. I'm sure he just took the first reasonable offers and moved on. Not everyone wants to spend 48 hours watching last bids and tip toe around the imaginary rules that the trade forum community can't enforce. For some people this is just monopoly money and they aren't going to waste time on it. I don't, however, blame anyone for bidding cautiously. But in this case things are exactly as they seem. Just to be clear, trojancow is still a chode. Zugu is not.