(48 hour standing bid, plat @ 6.5k, etc etc, no buyout will be added) +25 silver vanq executioners axe. SB: 50k
It's missing the durability modifier of Indestructible, however utterly pointless that attribute is here. In UOR terms of "I can fort powder anything to 255/255, so who fucking cares", this weapon is perfect. 100k
Out of respect for Roguish being a straight up BAWS, if there is no objection, I will end this 24 hours early.
Pitiful fleshbag, I will hunt you down and pry it from your cold dead fingers, such power is not meant for your kind that has yet to live a single lifetime MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA................congratulations, nice bid
Seems a Lich Lord just killed him and looted the axe ... W/o skills, the power is nothing!!! Grats on this new axe, nasty one ;D See u!