Sorry, but I don't do guaranteed exceptional. They just aren't good for business. If I hit exceptional on the first swing, you've overpaid. If it takes me 2, 3 or more swings, I lose money. It's 1m per swing LBA is 99% exceptional chance Krys is 81.6% War Fork is 69.2%
Or you can get a Verite one for much cheaper while waiting for someone to paying 1+mil for one (such as elhorno) and then to auction it off for 900k. bang val axe for 900k to those patient people. aka j#2s like me I play CTF w/ Verite and I'll give you one swing for free of a verite if you are interested.
Unless your ocd, agree with the verite advice. And definitely take him up on a free verite swing. That's huge.
Any weapon is possible. Success chance for exceptional on a warfare is rather lower, near 67% if I recall correctly but amazing when crafted
FYI: Don't waste your time with that piece of shit LBA. It may look big and beefy but it's garbage compared to the double axe. Yes, it has been tested.
I've had better luck with the double axe. Faster & hits almost just as hard. But your chance of an exceptional is 96% instead of the 99% for the LBA.
Yes, if you have good dexterity, it will hit for significantly more damage over time than the LBA. Well worth the -3% success risk, in my opinion. If you're banking on occasional peak damage, the two handed axe technically has a higher max damage than the LBA (39 vs 38), but is still much slower than the double axe.
I just made an exceptional warfork with a verite hammer and had it on verite ingots i thought. wonder if tela can fix it? back to work
FWIW, I found generally that the guarantees were good for business. Just divide 1M by the success chance. One way or another, *someone* is going to be gambling. If you charge by swing, it's the buyer. If you charge by success rate, it's the hammer owner. But with 25 charges, as the hammer owner you're better equipped to deal with the "swings" (pun INTENDED!!!). I found for things like a war fork, more people preferred to pay around 1.5M for the guarantee, rather than 1M for the gamble. Some definitely chose the latter, but most people opted for the guarantee.