Honestly, I don't really play UO much anymore and the reasons why are mostly summed up in your comment(that and the ridiculously childish and...
Playing on two accounts at the same time in OSI was a bannable offense and you most definitely needed a 3rd party application to even make it work....
This sounds awesome. I would love to be involved when I can.
Sounds good. If any happen on Thurs through Saturdays I'll be there.
I'll definitely look out for those. Not as helpful as being able to experience it first hand but I kind of expected it due to my abnormal work...
Damn, I was hoping I would be able to join in on these but it doesn't fit my schedule at all. Well, good luck to all.
Baja 1998 - 2002 Cloud (warrior, then tank mage, then tamer in UO:R) White Squall(mage) Rage(macer) My first guild disbanded when UO:R came out,...
Transaction successful. :)
Auction is over. NONAMEALLSTAR is the winner for the low price of 1.5 mil. Please PM me on the forums or IRC. Thank You.
Auction ends at 9 PM PST
SB goes to NONAME. The first two bids do not qualify.
[IMG] Verite Runic smith hammer 19 swings left S/B: 1.5 mill B/O: 2 mill You may also PM me on the forums or IRC if you have another offer you...
Tempe, AZ
Hahahaha. This is great stuff. Well done! I loved the trammel bit. "There's.....there's really a thousand of you here?" "Oh, yes sir." Casts...
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. See you all out there soon and in IRC.
Thanks for the replies. I am definitely not planning on getting into the action until I finish up a few of my characters and establish myself. AmfeKk...
Hello all, I am new to this shard and I have not played UO in many years(98-02). I always had a lot of fun PvPing on OSI. I quit shortly after pub...
Separate names with a comma.