Being sold as a set only: S/B 4m B/O 5m 24 hr. rule [ATTACH]
bump - balance of items reduced.
rawrrrz, NerK, and Godbunny please reach out for the items you won.
Peace: A: Robe - S/B 1m -- SOLD B: Hat - S/B 500k -- SOLD Chaos: A. Necklace - S/B 300k 24 hr. [ATTACH]hr.
BALANCE OF EVERYTHING IS BEING SOLD AS 1 LOT -- 500k Chaos: F. Bracelet Peace: H. Skull cap I. Fancy shirt J. Choker L. Ring timer 24...
Lander you are the winner. PM me when you can meet and we will complete transaction.
For Sale: Freshly Tamed Great first starter dragon S/b: 250K Increments: 50K 48 hr/ 24 hr. rule gold only [ATTACH]
white tome - 2.1
i believe i won rug 1151. Let me know a good time for you to meet up and complete the transaction
Hue 1151 - s/b
blood 2.2
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