I can sell you the Savage Ostard - 200k
4th anny kilt - 250k
4th year jester SB
Hey man, I have the patio you want to buy. I really like this spot... Just curious how much though?
Pm me!
sb D
Hey Sir, can I see you wear the blue jester real quick? I'm thinking of buy it now but really want to know what it looks like in person..
I'll buy the CBD off you for 90k BO if you still have it.
hey there, I bid on the fancy shirt. I'm hoping to win it shortly, are you in IRC?
I've retracted my bid. Sorry and good luck!
d 525
if that's 80k buy out for the CBD, I'll take that.
5 - 500
5 - 200k
5 - 400
D 450
D 300
5 - 250
C - 550
Separate names with a comma.