wtb power/vanq repond mace slayers pm ur offer to me in discord at Kaladin#9494
thanks smooth trade
congrats you won! contact me to trade: kaladin9494
congrats! u won!
Actually @Crisco-Pjoe let me just close the bid for "I" since Myrnae withdrew his bid above. thanks
sorry my mistake "I" should NOT have BO because there are current bids. Highest bid now is 150k from Crisco-Pjoe
Lowered SB and changed to BO for some remaining items!
you guys have won! please contact me to trade can reach me on forum, or kaladin9494 on discord A @Gossow 5m F @yz250f 100k G @Myrnae 100k H...
thanks for the bids guys i try my best to keep track of the timer and latest bids if i miss/get anything wrong, please shout cheers
WTS 11th anni items 24/48 hour rule These are all MARKED (ie. when u click on it, it writes "11th Year Anniversary"), and NOT blessed. Sep 4 update:...
WTS Britain beach sandstone house with patio This is south west of Britain bank 10-20 seconds run to moongate, and 20-30 seconds run to west Britain...
SB chairs
this is so nice! your house has made the server a better place!
I have always wondered why do blue and white scrolls seem to be more abundant than red and green? the numbers here confirm this observation (both the...
farewell man! you probably have no idea who I am but you are the first player I met in UOR! the first time I logged on at Ocllo, I yelled in front...
Separate names with a comma.