To make things a little more special this year, I thought it'd be neat if we could have something like : By account age - 10 11th Anniversary rewards Beta players - 3 extra prize room picks, after the scav prizes are awarded (this will clear out some of the clothes and such) 1 pegasus statue, 10 11th anny special hued - named something dealing with beta! 100k copper deed 5k plat 1 choice of a special hue dye (hair, sandals, mask, or pet) a perfect stat mare moat deed accounts 6-10 years - 2 extra prize room picks 1 smaller surfboard statue 25k copper 750 plat perfect stat dragon accounts 3-6 years - 1 extra prize room pick 10k copper 250 plat accounts up to 2 year 10k copper 50 plat clothing bless deed cloth rename deed (for the anny stuff this year) a sash that says "See you in 2033" or something
I assume ban counts and actual activity from 6+ year players changes things right, add hours of gameplay this year required to do anything special and cut the list in half for what happens, if banned before you get 2%
Good Topic Rewards Way too vauge - you have too many assumptions in there about prize room and its contents... idea on contents of the prize room would be more valuable... Oh and BTW... My personal perspective... we should be rewarding activity not age....
How would activity be tracked? There are hundreds of accounts that stay logged for months, even years, that the person don't even move. How would that type of people compare to the people that spend 12h a day farming stuff but turn off their computer at night?